Saturday, February 5, 2011

Wagner Paintcrew No Pressure



James Ellroy was born in 1948 in Los Angeles and his life is much like a thriller. He is ten years old when the corpse of his mother, a victim of sexual assault, was found in a suburban area of loss, to East Los Angeles .
Thirty-eight years after the murder and sordid e unsolved, he raco NTERA in "My Dark Places" 1996 and this experience deeply destabilizing e Ellroy who starts taking drugs, becomes a petty criminal and will be arrested dozens of times. and the descent into hell begins ... The provocati one neo-Nazi during the college years, the life of solitary zonard. Pui s obsession with crime, sex and death, the reading of the tabloid press frenzy. Rape, alcohol up delirium tremens, and until the Priso n.

He comments this to scripture re late, his first ro man appeared in 1981 "Brown's required m", features a shopping cart vaga Bond, a private detective hired by Friz Brown, to monitor its pretty sister who lives with a man who could be her father. That's when Brown plunged into the private world of black and desperate slums California.

"Clandestine" his second novel published in 19 8 2, and attempts to show that n is unnecessary that the investigations of e police s goose s "clandestine es ", but there is also the ambitions, the li ais o ns am o ureuses and sexual urges, violence, lives are insignificant the dead atrocious, the redemptive ons. They lead the agent Freddy Underhill, on the trail of a killer of women during "the last years his youth.

His third th r oman "a killer on the road" without doubt one of the most original da ns the work of e Ellroy, this confession of a fictional serial killer, and yet so believable that this book appears in progra same school of American police. In 1984, at the request of its editor Otto Pe nzler, Ellroy wrote a trilogy whose hero is a police officer Lloyd Hopkins, a vigilante cop obsessed with evil. The first part of this series "Blood on the Moon" is made into a film in 1988 under the title "COP" with James Woods years of the lead. Follow have "A Because the Night" 1984 and "The Hills Have Eyes" 1986.

At the age 38 years, James Ellroy is finally ready to face the history that haunts s ince always - the story of the Black Dahlia, a young woman named Elizabeth Short raped and tortured on the morning of January 15, 1947 and whose murder was never solved.
But the major work of American writer is tetra
alogia LA, novels about historical crimes of the years 1947 to 1960. "The Big Nowhere" 1988, "THE Confiential" 1990 and "White Jazz" 1991. The second installment in the series, is a work fo i ringing and director Curtis Hanson and his co-author Bri year Helgeland have needed a year of work and seven versio ns scenarios to fit on the big screen. Hanson will build on brilliant actors: Russell Crowe's Australian e ncore little known at the time and Guy Pearce, and the great Kevin Spacey. As à Kim Basinger, dans le rôle de la prostituée Lynn qui ressemble à s'y tromper à Véronica Lake, elle a été fort justement récompensée d'un oscar.

Aujourd'hui, Ellroy deuxième période revient à une écriture plus tradition nelle pour s'attaquer cette fois-ci à l'Amérique tout entière et plus précisément au rapport entre le crime et la politique. Premier volet d'une trilogie intitulée "Underworld USA", en hommage au cinéaste Samuel Fuller. "American Tabloïd" 1995, comm ence en 1958 au moment de la montée en puissance Fidel Castro in Cuba and ended with the assassination of John Fitzgerald Kennedy. The second volume "American Death Trip" the brooding period 1963-1968 and the very oisième volume "Underworld USA" ends in 1973. An ambitious literary project for this prodigious inventor of intrigues, unconventional writer who stated from the outset, will become "one of the greatest writers of thrillers of all time." It seems he is about to successfully reach the goal he had set ...
One last thing: If the American author James Ellroy is appreciated and recognized for his talent France, it is quite different in its country of origin. Confidential author, his books are far from reaching the French charts. Regarded as an author "difficult access", his novels are aimed across the Atlantic for minority interests, knowledgeable and very passionate about literature. To believe that: "Nobody is prophet in his country! .


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