Saturday, February 19, 2011

Male Queers Wearing Women's Undergarments

● leave of absence at the Centre for Social Action of the City of Paris

The leave of absence n do not come into account in calculating annual leave, they are awarded for specific incidents that occurred during a period of actual service.

They are governed by memorandums or protocols in reference to the practice of the City of Paris in this area and divided into four groups:
  • leave of absence for family events
  • leave of absence for professional events
  • leave of absence for other events
  • leave of absence Association
Texts References:
  • Memo CASVP of 02/04/1998 (leave and leave of absence)
  • Protocol DIF CASVP
  • Charter mobility CASVP ...
The leave of absence for events Family


Any employee may be granted on the occasion of his marriage or a civil solidarity pact (PACS) a leave of absence with pay for six days (4 days time drive can be added).
When the marriage for a child officer of the Centre for Social Action of the City of Paris, a day is given to this (two days of travel time can be added).


During the last months of pregnancy and prenatal before it is awarded to officers concerned for a leave of absence to attend meetings preparation for painless childbirth.

From the first day of the third month of pregnancy, an adjustment of working hours is granted by the authority of the institution or the head of department employee who requests it. Facilities in the distribution of hours is granted within an hour a day, not recoverable, so as to avoid doing work during the commuting peak hours.

The 7 compulsory prenatal examinations during pregnancy that can not be performed outside of operating hours may be taken on work time without loss of pay.


If the place where the child is kept close to the workplace, it can be granted to employees who so request, an hour a day of leave of absence for breast feeding ( take twice).

birth or adoption

leave of three days, consecutive or otherwise, is granted to any broker:
  • Male at birth
  • Male or female in the case of adoption, the benefit of the servant who not take the adoption leave. (see adoption leave)
This leave is unpaid and must be taken within the 15 days around the date of birth or adopted child, date of arrival home.
Special cases:
  • Multiple Births: 3 more days
  • births during annual leave: leave in addition to annual leave.
  • Mother hospitalized: the leave can be taken back to the mother.
  • Miscarriage or stillborn: the leave is granted if the interruption pregnancy occurs after the 6th month.
  • Natural Child: The leave is granted if the father acknowledges the child lives with the mother.

Upon the death of relatives, a leave of absence may be granted to officials of the Centre for Social Action of the City of Paris. There are two days when parents or relatives in direct line (husband, wife, father, stepfather, mother, stepmother, grandfather, grandmother, bitter grandfather, great grandmother, son, beautiful son, daughter, beautiful daughter, grand son, granddaughter, great grand son, granddaughter), and one day when the deceased is a relative or ally in the 2nd degree collaterals (brother, sister, brother in law , sister in law).

Two days of travel time can be added
Sick Child

officials in charge of one or more children aged 16 years or less (no age limit for disabled children) can benefit by calendar year of leave of absence to care for these children, or provide for the custody temporarily, within a week after the legal obligations of service plus one day (on presentation of a medical certificate justifying the presence of parents with the child).

However, this limit may be increased to twice weekly legal obligations of service plus two days (being 12 days) if the employee has sole custody of the child, or if their spouse is looking for a job, or if his spouse does not receive such paid leave of absence because of his employment. The length of absence may be extended to 15 consecutive days if no fractionation (8 consecutive days for each spouse when both are able to benefit from the leave of absence).

In exceptional cases where an employee is only eligible for leave of absence, the limit may be extended to 28 consecutive days (15 consecutive days for each spouse when both are able to benefit from leave of absence). Beyond 12 days (2 times weekly legal obligations over 2 days), the days do not correspond to a service owner will be charged to annual leave.

When the number of consecutive days of absence exceeds 28, the employee is laid off. For both spouses
officials Centre for Social Action of the City of Paris, leave of absence may be freely distributed among them according to the percentage of each work.

II is allowed no carryover from one year to another.

NB: leave a sick child should not give rise to any deduction on premiums paid to agents (IAT, IFTS, premium service ...)


Special approval of absence may be granted upon presentation of a calling and to the extent that the absence is compatible with the operation Normal service to officials:
  • elected representatives of parents to attend meetings:
  • in kindergarten or elementary (meetings of committees of parents and school councils);
  • dans les collèges, lycées et établissements d’éducation spéciale (réunion des commissions permanentes, des conseils de classe et des conseils d’administration) ;
  • désignés dans le cadre d’une commission spéciale placée sous l’autorité d’un directeur d’école pour assurer l’organisation et le bon déroulement des élections des représentants des parents d’élèves aux conseils d’école.
Rentrée scolaire

Des facilités schedules may be granted to fathers or mothers at the school year, provided that the child is enrolled in a preschool or elementary education.


Leave of absence for one day may be granted an opportunity to move on presentation of vouchers.

The leave of absence for professional events


officials appearing in competitions organized by the Centre for Social Action of the City of Paris, the Paris Commune, the department Paris, Banks of the schools of the City of Paris, the Caisse de Crédit Municipal de Paris and the OPAC (Office Public Development and Construction of Paris), may be allowed to be absent during the contest on presentation of their meeting.

case of a leave of absence, and not a leave, it is not possible to recover a day when a competition is held during regular leave.

Contest Preparation Protocol (DIF)

When they take place indoors and during their time of service, officers may be relieved of some of their obligations to participate. This discharge is authorized by law when the term sought by an agent is less than or equal to five days full time service in a given year. Meeting this demand may however be deferred in the interest of the functioning of the service, such deferral can not however be opposed to an application for the third time
addition DIF agent can be mobilized beyond this discharge five days and the maximum of 20 hours and whatever time of the preparation.

Landfills service preparations for internal competition by mail.

A discharge time may be granted after consultation with the Chief service agents preparing an internal competition by mail. The officers admitted to this preparation may benefit during the period of preparation, 15 days of service facilities, on a one half day per week or one day every 15 days.

These service facilities may be granted only once to change the grade and not more than 3 times during the career (eg to prepare the contest administrative assistant and executive secretary, then attaché).

must be 4 years of seniority in public service (provided for passing competitions)

For staff preparing the same competition two years, these service facilities may be granted for only one preparation.

These 15 days can be combined together or with annual leave or exceptional.

The beneficiaries of such service facilities which, for reasons not justified would not be diligent in the duties and who would give up during the year, will be delisted this year of such training and service facilities they would be counted.

Like contest preparations, facilities services will be credited to the meter DIF agent. To be considered in the form of service facilities must be accompanied by the application of training under the DIF, duly completed and signed.

courses upgrading and development

The community also offers Parisian upstream to processed contests, refresher or advanced level allowing agents to gradually reach the level required to access these preparations for competition. These courses and refresher courses require the mobilization of hours DIF.

In a logic of shared effort between the administration and staff, the method of deduction of human development courses are also flat-rate. The agent will therefore be charged to his account DIF 1 / 3 of the total duration of the course, remaining 2 / 3 being supported by the administration. Or 6 hours on the meter DIF agent 14 hours and supported by the Administration to track a refresher course.

However, subject to approval by the supervisor, the number of monitoring modules can be greater than 3 the same year.

interviews related to a transfer request (mobility charter)

To promote mobility CAS-VP, and within a reasonable and moderate Interviews are counted as working time, including those set in the City of Paris and the Department
Public elective

officials invested elective public office or political eligible for leave of absence and credit hours:
The leave of absence may be granted on three occasions:
Officials candidates
officials and public officials for election to qualify for paid leave of absence within a maximum of 20 days for presidential, legislative, Senate and EU, and 10 days for regional elections, cantonal and municipal
These absences may be granted either by deducting the annual leave entitlement at the request of staff or where the periods of absence may be charged to annual leave, the deferral of hours of a period on another. This arrangement of working time, which must be accepted by agents and candidates in an election be held over a period of time best suited, should not cause disruption in the operation of the service.

Beyond that, candidates can ask to be placed in position available for personal or unpaid leave, if they are students or not holding it is unnecessary to replace officer concerned will be automatically reinstated in his post at the expiration of his status or leave.

Membership assembly, panel assembly, council. During the total duration of sessions, staff members are eligible for certain meetings Permissions d'absence rémunérées non imputées sur les congés annuels. Lorsque le fonctionnaire est membre d'une assemblée délibérante non régie par le système des sessions, des autorisations d'absence peuvent être accordées pour la durée des réunions plénières (conseils municipaux   généraux   régionaux) et pour participer aux réunions des commissions des assemblées délibérantes.

La participation à une formation. Les membres du conseil général, régional, et municipal ont droit à une formation adaptée à leurs fonctions dont la durée (renouvelable en cas de réélection) est de 6 jours, quel que soit le nombre de mandats détenus.

En sus des autorisations d'absence, il existe un crédit d'heures forfaitaire et trimestriel de 117 heures: .
pour les maires de communes de 10 000 à 19 999 habitants
  • (1 journée ou 2 demi journées par mois sont rémunérées), pour les maires de communes de 20 000 habitants et plus
  • (1 journée ou 2 demi journées par semaine sont rémunérées), pour les adjoints au maire de communes de 30 000 habitants et plus
  • (1 journée ou 2 demi days per month are paid) for the presidents and vice presidents of general and regional councils.
58 hours 30:.
  • for mayors of municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants (1 day or 2 half days per month are paid),
  • for deputy mayors of municipalities from 10 000 to 19 999 inhabitants, assistants Mayor of Commons from 20 000 to 29 999 inhabitants (1 day or 2 half days per month are paid),
  • for general and regional advisers.
23 hours 30:
  • for deputy mayors of municipalities with fewer than 10,000 inhabitants, the municipal councilors of municipalities of 100 000 inhabitants and more.
The official must inform the Directorate General of Social Action Center of the City of Paris in writing immediately upon becoming aware of the date and duration of planned absence.

In discharging the duties of a member of the Government, a member of the National Assembly or Senate, a member of the Assembly of Communities, European, a detachment may be granted to an employee.


To make more effective the competition What do the officials of the Centre for Social Action of the City of Paris with the quality of volunteer firefighters to services fire and rescue, they may be granted leave of absence with salary for training and intervention.

The duration of training is at least 30 days spread over the first 3 years of commitment (including 10 days at least the first year). Beyond these three years, at least 5 days per year are granted. The authorization request must be sent early enough to the authority of the Centre for Social Action of the City of Paris (at least 2 months in advance). After training, a certificate of participation in training during the period allowed will be surrendered by the person to his superiors.

Officials volunteer firefighters also receive leave of absence to go on missions. Such leave of absence may be refused if the service needs dictate, and are the result of discussions at the departmental level, between the authorities of Social Action Center of the City of Paris and the heads of fire departments and rescue.

Time spent on mission and training is related to a period of actual work, and taken into account in determining the duration of paid leave and seniority.

The leave of absence for other events

Blood Donation

Employees may take leave to proceed a blood donation. The length of absence, as assessed by the physician in charge, extending the levy to snack offered through the rest, moving, maintenance and appropriate medical examinations.

Medical Exams

In order to ensure the medical supervision of staff members of the Centre for Social Action of the City of Paris, and home monitoring ( those who are off work), occupational medicine and preventive (occupational medicine) and medicine Control carry out medical examinations:
  • mandatory (at time of recruitment, reintegration, recovery from illness, hospitalization, long-term illness leave, maternity, accident service) and frequent (in case of specific risks) ,
  • further recommended to prevent any risk of epidemic
  • individuals for certain categories of staff (civil servants with disabilities, pregnant staff whose working conditions are special risks).
Leave of absence may be granted to officers in order to undergo these examinations.

Religious holidays

leave of absence may be granted to staff members of the Armenian community, religion Jewish, or Muslim faith at the main celebrations of their faith not on the calendar of festivals usually not worked. A memo clarifies annual holiday dates pertaining to each faith.

For ceremonies ou fêtes autres que celles indiquées, le fonctionnaire est tenu de présenter un justificatif pour obtenir une autorisation d'absence.

Absences autres

En dehors des congés et des autorisations d'absence, les fonctionnaires titulaires peuvent s'absenter lorsqu'ils exercent une activité accessoire de jurés d'assises et de témoins ou encore d'agents des bureaux de vote.

Les jurés d'assises et témoins

Jurés Assize
officials enrolled as jurors (among the 35 planned) or alternate jurors (among the 10 planned) List session determined by the first President of the Court of Appeal or the presiding judge High Court at least thirty days before the opening of sitting on the lot, and who receive a notice to that effect, may have a right of absence with salary on the day of the opening of each case.

officials as part of the 9 members of the jury finally selected after a final draw at the opening of each case, and to serve as jurors or as holders additional jurors will attend all the debates. These can have a right of absence with salary throughout the period that the last discussions on the matter, once they have been physically present in court. The notice shall serving as proof of absence for the first day of each transaction of the session, the agent will have to certify on the honor of his attendance in court on other days.

Witnesses in criminal, civil and labor law, where the hearing and officials cited the testimony as witnesses are useful for revealing the truth, they may be granted a right of absence with salary (s) days) indicated (s) call for the investigation or debates since the agent has been physically present in court what (s) day (s) here, he will certify on honor.

agents polls

Elections Political
At the cantonal elections, municipal, regional, legislative, presidential, staff asked to take a poll as "an officer of the polling station," who usually work on Sundays, may be absent (individuals must apply for authorization to practice of ancillary activity).

Those who do not ordinarily work on Sunday are not entitled to a recovery day for weekend leave not taken.

Similarly, officials in regular vacations can not get that day's take a poll.

In return for work done in the polling stations, the officials concerned may choose between:
remuneration of ancillary paid at 100% of compensation or ancillary paid at 50% and 1 day 2 days of leave or leave without pay for incidental activity.

Some facilities may be granted subject to the requirements of the service to staff members wishing to attend a training session provided by the borough councils later in the week before the election : Up to 1 hour late in the day on presentation of the invitation to a briefing by requiring early departure ..

Elections industrial tribunals
the occasion of elections to the Labour Tribunal of Paris, officials called upon to take a poll as "an officer of the polling station," may granted a leave of absence on election day if they are on duty that day (individuals must apply for permission to exercise ancillary activity).

In return the work done in the polling stations, the officials concerned can choose between the remuneration of ancillary paid at 100% or 1 day of leave without pay for incidental activity.

authorizations absences union

To attend briefings Association

To attend a meeting information held by an employee organization, within the limit of one hour per month (cumulative possible on a quarter).

If the meeting takes place outside the school premises travel time to reach agreed.

for union training

The agent has the opportunity to benefit, subject to the exigencies of service, 12 days off per year for union training.

The application is made by the union at least one month before the scheduled training date.


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