Monday, February 28, 2011

The Stand - Up Bathtub



Dedicated by critics and applauded by the spectators at the international level, the Steven Spielberg film "Saving Private Ryan" is a masterpiece
which profoundly affected the minds of world.

"Saving Private Ryan" is a story of heroism and sacrifice, which takes place on landing in France on 6 June 44, where eight soldiers risked their lives to save a man. So why eight LDATA they risked their lives for one man? Overtaken by the brutality of war, each seeks his own era response, and for the this defeat an uncertain future with honor, decency and courage ...

is the birth growth of the second son of screenwriter Robert Rodat, who nspire indirectly in the script of the film "Saving Private Ryan . This rac onte: "Living in a village e New Hampshire, early in the morning, I used to take my son regularly in walk. On the village square is a monument to the dead time of the American Revolution, on which are inscribed the names of village men died for their country. And I noticed that the names returned several times - the brothers died in the same conflict. Losing a son to war is an experience doulo ureuse, losing more inconceivable. "Robert Rodat san s knowledge, was the brainchild film that would celebrate the 50th anniversary of the landed quement e n Normandie.

De son côté, l'acteur américain Tom Hanks recherchait depuis longtemps dans des livres et autres écrits, une histoire racontant la guerre à travers une expérience humaine et non pas sous un aspect purement tactique et logistique.
Après lectu
re du script de Robert Rodat, Tom Hanks ne put s'empêcher de repenser au cas le plus connu des Etats-Unis : celui des frères Sullivan. L'histoire véridique de cinq frères embarqués sur un navire, (les frères en général pendant un conflit, aimaient bien combattre ensemble, pour des raisons évidentes). Mais malheureusement, the ship sank and all were dead. Ap ery that, the Navy embarks on a more brothers vessel, avoiding the army to include them in the same division, thinking of the anxiety of mothers, who prayed day and night so that their son come home safely.

Recreating the magnitude of the landing at Omaha Beach was certainly the greatest challenge important for Spielberg and his team. The beach where the landing took place, had become since the end of the war: a tourist site protected and highly venerated by pilgrims from around the world gathered there st It was unthinkable to turn any scene from the film, also on land full of history. The head decorate ur Tom Sanders after weeks of research finally takes his tracking team on various beaches in France, England and Ireland. In this last country they found a stretch of coast, strangely similar to the landing. Sanders and his team then transform the Irish beach in German fortress. I ls ADJUST coast harrows metal and blockhouses, where the Germans in the watered implacable enemy machine guns, while the main arena ties of war.
As for the Irish arm ed, it supplies 750 extras, many of them were veterans of the 7th art, since they had already participated in the filming of "Braveheart" Mel Gibson.

But mainly
the difficulty was to transform the company of actors playing key roles in history, a credible military unit. Dale Dye, year cian Corps captain Marines, including Atta chement to the military case had remained intact despite his retirement, was called by Spielberg.
Dye and his team of Warriors Inc. company. were then subjected to two
s tars Film: Tom Hanks and Tom Sizemore, and Matt Damon, Jeremy Davies, Barry Pepper, Giovanni Ribisi and Adam Goldberg, nothing less than a true commando training.

From the outset, Dale D ye have had to stop the "plunges r in the bath" to n 'matter what time of day and night, forcing them to get used as quickly as possible to the temperature very low water. He called the names of their characters, teaching them the basics of soldiering "learn to suffer in silence and close his mouth!". The actors followed for more than ten days of intensive training which included weapons training, close combat, individual laborers, stratum egy, military jargon of the time and sign language.

"I think there has some courage and a spirit common to all men who fight. The actors need to be immersed in the lifestyle of rigorous and horrors that soldiers and infantry fighting across the world face. I have immersed in this lifestyle. I made them eat rations, I pulled over to their white, I beat them, made them crawl and sleep in the mud. And when they come out at the end, they would have some idea of what it is: The EPR euves, the sacrifices made by men to serve their country in the army ". Dale Dye.

"It's something that I probably never would do, but I will always be grateful to have done. " Vin Diesel .

" When we started shooting, we felt connected. We crossed something together very strong. " Tom Sizemore.

When the die m Arraga film from the early scenes, when Spielberg said: " Action!", the actors could not help but be transported from the film set in the heart of évèneme nt which took place fifty years ago.
"The mounted
e adrenaline had nothing comparable to what I have lived in other films because, as soon as we turned, it was total chaos around us" . tells Tom Hanks. "People were falling down, there were expl dare all around us, and it was not difficult to imagine that the carnage was real and was caused by bullets, shots mortars and shells. In some scenes, we read the ter REUR on our faces, and rightly so, because we really fear ... and yet we knew that everything was false. "

After Ireland, all eq UPEI moved to England for the rest of the shoot. A factory aba ndonnée of the British Aerospace located 45 minutes from London, served as a base camp at the English production. The various buildings on the site were used as offices or as workshops and t errains waves offered a perfect setting where Tom Sanders and his team could build a reproductive nature of a French village devastated by bombs.

Finally to close this ticket, I chose give the last word to Colonel Barney Oldfield, a veteran of the last war, which at the time of the shooting said: "Anyone who complains about going to work at eight o'clock in the morning somewhere in the West should come watch Normandy this piece of Omaha Beach and think about what has been asked to do this generation, June 6, 1944. To think ...

Watch this film. You'll never forget!

Already published in the series "The famous film": "Once Upon a Time in America" - "The Longest Day" and "Gone With the Wind."


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