Saturday, January 22, 2011

Monica Roccaforte Preg


In contrast to the conventional world of mystery novel, where "the classic novel problem" was becoming increasingly polished and formatted - the "thriller" is born
to the United States, where Dashiell Hammett in 1923 published his first stories in the magazine "Black Mask".

At the time, Americans are being offered a new trade magazine Police. "Hard boiled school writing" that can qualify (school lasts) born fashion pulp fiction magazines (magazines March good market), including Black Mask is the most famous. The journal will remain until the 30s, despite his gaudy covers and bloody, a crucible of talent (Erle Stanley Gardner, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, and Horace McCoy) to name a few, will participate in this adventure, a genre quite New Br u for the time.

Dahiell Ha MMET is considered by specialists as the father of "No novel ir. The mystery and the enigma that does not interest are quickly replaced in his work by a private profe ssionnel thrown dans le monde contemporain et projeté dans l'action. Le "private eye" le détective privé, remplace désormais le jeune aristocrate oisif ou la vieille dame futée. Le "Whodunit" (Qui l'a fait?) a désormais vécu son temps.

Le "roman noir" marque un tournant très important dans la littérature criminelle. Il a pour ambition de rendre compte de la réalité sociétale d'un pays, au traver s du gangstérisme, de la corruption politique ou encore de la présence de l'argent et de la violence dans les milieux corrompus. Il est le reflet fidèle, de l'une des faces de la société américaine.
Le détective private "tough guy" at the Sam Spade or Philip Marlowe in the first incarnation was the flagship, and remained through several generations of horror novels.

The "thriller" describes a world where insecurity is its dominant characteristic nte, a kind of social jungle where for example the reader can see in the background: "A corrupt city police with his brutal, its Physicians chestnuts and gangsters who rule the roost, where murders are committed by professionals and investigations by police business.

The first crumb R book of its kind born in the United States in 1927, it is e "Red Harvest" and founded what French critics designate as "noir", a term used today in American English . For forty years, Donald Willsson reigns supreme on Personville, a small mining town in Montana. To counter the union agitation, he appeals to gangsters who took control of the city. Outraged by this, his son Donald hires a private detective of the Continental Op, but was assassinated shortly before the arrival of private. The latter, having unmasked the murderer decides loyalty his client to "clean city". "Red Harvest" addresses the theme of the municipality rotten cleaned by a war between rival gangs e and triggered by Op, where his private. Hammett puts the characters before the action was in that head of a school for his fellow Black Mask. This unnamed private, first appeared in the news, published by the journal.

The theme of the horn interruption of business and political class, spreads dan s novels and short stories by Dashiell Hammett. A new genre is now né, et la marque de fabrique est celle de présen ter une écriture comportementaliste où les états d'âmes des personnages n'ont pas leur place. La langue est directe et dépouillée, évitant la psychologie avec comme figure de proue "le dur à cuire solitaire qui sait se faire respecter". La première génération du roman noir était née, avec à sa tête Dashiell Hammett.

A lire : "La moisson rouge" Dashiell Hammett - nouvelle traduction intégrale de l'anglais (Etats-Unis) par Nathalie Beunat et Pierre Bondil - Editions Gallimard - 284 pages - 18,50 Euros. Et pour "les petites bourses" est disponible l'édition Folio.


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