Friday, January 21, 2011

Herbivores In The Antarctic


Bernard Hautecloque - Editions Normant - 2010 - 195 pages.

At the end of summer 1933, Case Violet Noziere explodes like a bomb, leaving the stunned France: a girl of eighteen years has poisoned his parents for obscure reasons.
The investigation will reveal that it is to finance the idle life of her lover and selfish heart that the girl would commit the irreparable. Sentenced to death and then pardoned, is serving his sentence
da ns harsh prison conditions at the time. But his extraordinary destiny will not stop pa s there ...

In the 1930s, France is in a serious economic crisis and political polarization. The consequences of poor economic conditions affecting especially the petty bourgeoisie and the working class, which the living conditions are deteriorating every day a little more. In this particular context, broke out "the case Noziere Violet", one of many scandals that contribute to the time, to tarnish a little more, the image of the state and respectabil ity of government.

Violet was the only girl Germaine and Baptiste Noziere. She was said, thief, liar, myth Oman, libertine and calculator. His parents adored him ! Violet and yet had no qualms about the lead by the nose. She dreamed of a "garlic their" golden youth and attended the Quarter The tin. She could not stand his modest family background, and the slow degradation of morals, would lead her to commit the unthinkable ...

writer Colette Assita trial Violet Noziere for the daily "The uncompromising." It is published in the 13 October 1934, this fake confession, the young poisoner: "At the time when I ruled the hearts of a supremely elegant gesture, I emptied co skirt cut on and lit to the flame of a lighter value, cigarettes Orient . Before starting my Bugatti , I realized that without enough money, my parents were totally chic. Say the word: they n 'were not presentable! ".

Life is a novel and Violet could not stand the everyday family. She played the image of a liberated woman and immoral in an age when adolescents and adolescents in particular, were much more closely monitored today ment. The judiciary, the press and public opinion will not cease to pursue Violet Noziere their implacable hatred. Dangerous woman, she became a woman down! It maddened society of the time, education and morals were in danger!

Hautecloque Bernard's story is very concise and reads like a diary. The reader follows impressed, the escapades of the young and depraved Violette, who was leading the way in which it wise existence tried to persuade his entourage, including his parents. Against a background of social crisis, one is caught, crushed by so many transgressions. Violet Noziere is a black soul, whose unhealthy and manipulative shenanigans perpetual, will end up "shooting gallery". In the annals of crime, it embodies one of the most extraordinary figures of the French criminal history (with the Papin sisters), who is resurrected by Bernard Hautecloque, historian.
Finally, note that 19 78, will be made a film which recounts this terrible case (crime and s few months that preceded it), signed by Cl aude Chabrol. Isab ll e Huppert plays the role of the poisoner p has rricide - John Carm e t Stéphane Audran and the parents. critical success, reward the Best Actress (Isabelle Huppert) and Supporting Actor female (Stephane Audran ) at Cannes 1978.
8 / 10.


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