Friday, January 28, 2011

How Do You Clean Napkin Rings


Claude Ragon - Editions Fayard - 2011 - 358 pages.

Commissioner Graden caught cold in the winter of Jura. In the manner of Maigret investigation "seized," police very "slow" as the body crushed by the machine. What an idea to appoint officers retired Navy, the bailout of a plant in this "sea port under the snow "in the forests!
Will you take this Morteau in the stew of the day, accompanied by a Poulsard ...? County With more than eighteen months, it is recommended that young lieutenant thirty years without much refinement to the PJ, but with ... nose, wise and tasty!

Berthonex, a small town lost in the depths of the Jura is the scene of a mysterious death. Bernard Verdoux director of "Polybois" in position for approximately two years, was found dead at night in his factory, head compressed by a press wood. After an investigation classic, the local gendarmerie brigade finds enough rapidement à un accident. L'affaire en serait sans doute restée là, si le procureur n'avait pas reçu une lettre anonyme, plutôt troublante. Ecrite d'une main malhabile et bourrée de fautes d'orthographe, celle-ci suffit à entretenir un doute dans la tête du procureur, au point de justifier un complément d'enquête.
Monsieur le Procureur,
"Les aparances sont souvent trompeuses. De fausses évidences peuvent cacher la vérité. Bernard Verdoux a-t-il vraiment été victime d'un accident ? En avé-vous la preuve absolu ? irréfutable ? Saviez-vous que Verdoux n'avait pas que des amis ? Permetez-moi de reser inconu car il y va de ma sécurité."

With "From wood for coffins," Claude Ragon describes a heavy atmosphere and an atmosphere of gloom, close to Simenon to launch his young police lieutenant Bruchet Quentin, in a mission the spreading of administrative routine, became a too heavy for his taste. The universe of characters is marked by a gritty realism, mingled with a special poetry, linked to the restitution of the atmosphere of the place, and the agonizing loneliness of men.

the heart of the Jura mountains, Claude Ragon is keen to write fair, taking care especially the psychology of his characters. We discover its inhabitants and bitter nature. Their solitary life immersed in a mineral plant that allows the reader a quick emotional connection with them. Specialist indexes distilled over narration, Ragon leave it to find the culprit before the end. The whole story in simple language and straightforward.

With this first thriller and the debut of the young Lieutenant Quentin Bruchet Claude Ragon weaves a fascinating story to follow. Meanderings of the soul, urgency of the hunt, a successful suspense novel in the field of investigation, which reads very quickly ... and with some fun!
6.5 / 10.


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