Saturday, January 29, 2011

All Eagle Sport Metel Cores

tragic fate. AN UPSET

The lover of the world.

Guglielmi di Valentina Rudolpho born May 6, 1895 in Castellaneta, Italy. Son of a veterinarian, her father marries a French baroness, Marie Berthe Barbin. With this heredity Rudolph Valentino speak both languages parenting (Italian and French) fluently before learning English, his adopted language ion. Following the death of e his father when he was eleven, he embarked with his mother on board a ship, heading for America, a young Rudolph is at age of just eighteen eight years.

arrived safely, he made several small trades including busboy, while continuing to loop (including the tango). He knows how to persuade girls to accompany him in the ballroom, he regularly attends as a dancer-worldly paid. Dashing, eloquent and seductive Rudolph is already turning heads. In 1917 he went to H ollywood "the Mecca of cinema." Dot e a natural athlete and a great beauty, the beautiful Italian-French is quickly noticed by the great Major Metro Goldwyn Mayer " , who immediately took under contract.

In six years film career in California and fourteen film, Rudolph Valentino will embody a very long time, the seducer p ar excellence. The first "Latin-lover" was born ...
private life, his first marriage was broken the night of his wedding his wife accused him of brutality, she barricaded herself in her hotel room. The second e , will hardly be more conclusive. He met Natasha Rambo goes, he falls madly in love while filming. Costume designer profe ssion , she flees Russia as n Atala, just before the 1917 revolution. Woman in toritaire and direction, it quickly became his Pygmalion, manager of an iron hand, his artistic career. Like her husband, she will play the first generation of immigration victorious and triumphant located on American soil. But the cold and beautiful Natasha miss class, when she accused her husband of live e n outside of the matrimonial home, rather male friendships.

Yet o No time to lend to the beautiful Rudolph, of many conquests f é min ines, dont la trè s célèbre actrice Pola Négri. Mais certaines mauvaises langu es prétendirent que bien souvent "Rudolph allumait mais ne concluait pas". On parla successiv ement d'homosexualité, d'impuissance, de perversité, là où dominait surtout, une vieille peur toute latine, des femmes. Valentino aimait cultiver dans les studios et en dehors, un comportement "macho", prétendant que les femmes n'étaient pas amoureuses de lui, mais de son image à l'écran.
Alors en tournée pour promouvoir son dernier film "le fils du Sheik" Valentino qui apparaît de plus en plus maquillé à l'écran, est attaqué par un journal américain, qui l'accuse de féminiser l'image du mâle américain. Furieux, Rudolph répond en défiant l'accusateur dans un combat de boxe, "on est latin ou on ne l'est pas!" mais le journaliste s'esquive, préféra nt ne pas répondre.

Dans une Amérique encore profondément puritaine, il séduisait. On dit qu'il fut m
ême un temps gigolo, mais les doutes demeurent. En revanche, ce qui est sûr, c'est qu'il s'est trouvé early in his career, a frustrating situation that will continue throughout his life: having access to the desires of women as a gigolo ...

In 1925, m oment his divorce from Natasha Rambova he complains already since long time stomach pains which burns the tummy and that it is sometimes s u r on behalf of the medications taken to curb his baldness. He promises to return to see a specific realistic ... Become again
single, Rudolph began to spend lavishly. Nothing is too
beautiful for him: trips to London and Paris, luxury hotels, festivals ... From its thirty years, he dominates the world because he worked hard to get there, and while it succeeds but perhaps too fast!
He can not help thinking about the precipitous decline of his friend, Fatty Arbuckle,
é rope in a dark sex scandal after a night when watered, he stuck the death of a young junkie found steep rutted in the bathroom of his suite ...

Valentino has questions, touring the California coast for hours, to b ord of Bugatti but his pain does not cease. It keeps the room for days because the pain now takes the entire lower body.
The Same
di 15 August 1926, he was rushed to hospital, doctors diagnosed a stomach ulcer. His entourage worried, trying to hide the news, despite this, it will spread in all newsrooms, like a wildfire: Rudolph Valentino is sick!

The first releases are reassuring, the actor is recovering gradually. The Amériq eu whole is listening the latest news. Many onlookers gather en masse outside the hospital, thousands of phone calls and telegrams are received. Medical staff stores flowers, cakes, or even bi BLES and rosaries. In the country the turmoil was at its height when the relapse occurs. The fans are suspended from the latest hoping for a remission. Expresses peritonitis combined with pleurisy. A general infection of great concern, because at that time: there are no antibiotics, sulfonamides. Unfortunately t oo small to cope with such a deterioration of his body, Rudol ph passes away August 22, 1926 at noon.

Fallen rev êtue a golden coat is exposed to a burial chamber in the middle of a piano and relics of Napoleon. of thousands of admirers filed past the coffin to sure it is dead. In the streets of New York, a huge crowd wandered, drunk with grief. Windows smashed and the mounted police charge. Of women my vanish shouting his name, others commit suicide.

The funerea goest in New York will Pharaonic reveal. Hollywood studios continue to work, observing two minutes of silence. Rudolph Valentino into a legend. The bodies are brought t in California where we proceed again to the funeral service before an audience of stars including Charlie Chaplin, Cecil B. de Mille, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and many others. But one thing shocked the audience, the defection of Natacha Rambova shining that day, by its absence. Rudolph Valentino is buried fifteen days after cell death, leaving behind him a stream of debt. But he remained the idol of millions of women around the world, putting them on a real magnetism by the image. He was barely thirty-one years.

This post is dedicated to the memory of my grandmother Charlotte, a great admirer of Rudolph Valentino.


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