Saturday, January 29, 2011

All Eagle Sport Metel Cores

tragic fate. AN UPSET

The lover of the world.

Guglielmi di Valentina Rudolpho born May 6, 1895 in Castellaneta, Italy. Son of a veterinarian, her father marries a French baroness, Marie Berthe Barbin. With this heredity Rudolph Valentino speak both languages parenting (Italian and French) fluently before learning English, his adopted language ion. Following the death of e his father when he was eleven, he embarked with his mother on board a ship, heading for America, a young Rudolph is at age of just eighteen eight years.

arrived safely, he made several small trades including busboy, while continuing to loop (including the tango). He knows how to persuade girls to accompany him in the ballroom, he regularly attends as a dancer-worldly paid. Dashing, eloquent and seductive Rudolph is already turning heads. In 1917 he went to H ollywood "the Mecca of cinema." Dot e a natural athlete and a great beauty, the beautiful Italian-French is quickly noticed by the great Major Metro Goldwyn Mayer " , who immediately took under contract.

In six years film career in California and fourteen film, Rudolph Valentino will embody a very long time, the seducer p ar excellence. The first "Latin-lover" was born ...
private life, his first marriage was broken the night of his wedding his wife accused him of brutality, she barricaded herself in her hotel room. The second e , will hardly be more conclusive. He met Natasha Rambo goes, he falls madly in love while filming. Costume designer profe ssion , she flees Russia as n Atala, just before the 1917 revolution. Woman in toritaire and direction, it quickly became his Pygmalion, manager of an iron hand, his artistic career. Like her husband, she will play the first generation of immigration victorious and triumphant located on American soil. But the cold and beautiful Natasha miss class, when she accused her husband of live e n outside of the matrimonial home, rather male friendships.

Yet o No time to lend to the beautiful Rudolph, of many conquests f é min ines, dont la trè s célèbre actrice Pola Négri. Mais certaines mauvaises langu es prétendirent que bien souvent "Rudolph allumait mais ne concluait pas". On parla successiv ement d'homosexualité, d'impuissance, de perversité, là où dominait surtout, une vieille peur toute latine, des femmes. Valentino aimait cultiver dans les studios et en dehors, un comportement "macho", prétendant que les femmes n'étaient pas amoureuses de lui, mais de son image à l'écran.
Alors en tournée pour promouvoir son dernier film "le fils du Sheik" Valentino qui apparaît de plus en plus maquillé à l'écran, est attaqué par un journal américain, qui l'accuse de féminiser l'image du mâle américain. Furieux, Rudolph répond en défiant l'accusateur dans un combat de boxe, "on est latin ou on ne l'est pas!" mais le journaliste s'esquive, préféra nt ne pas répondre.

Dans une Amérique encore profondément puritaine, il séduisait. On dit qu'il fut m
ême un temps gigolo, mais les doutes demeurent. En revanche, ce qui est sûr, c'est qu'il s'est trouvé early in his career, a frustrating situation that will continue throughout his life: having access to the desires of women as a gigolo ...

In 1925, m oment his divorce from Natasha Rambova he complains already since long time stomach pains which burns the tummy and that it is sometimes s u r on behalf of the medications taken to curb his baldness. He promises to return to see a specific realistic ... Become again
single, Rudolph began to spend lavishly. Nothing is too
beautiful for him: trips to London and Paris, luxury hotels, festivals ... From its thirty years, he dominates the world because he worked hard to get there, and while it succeeds but perhaps too fast!
He can not help thinking about the precipitous decline of his friend, Fatty Arbuckle,
é rope in a dark sex scandal after a night when watered, he stuck the death of a young junkie found steep rutted in the bathroom of his suite ...

Valentino has questions, touring the California coast for hours, to b ord of Bugatti but his pain does not cease. It keeps the room for days because the pain now takes the entire lower body.
The Same
di 15 August 1926, he was rushed to hospital, doctors diagnosed a stomach ulcer. His entourage worried, trying to hide the news, despite this, it will spread in all newsrooms, like a wildfire: Rudolph Valentino is sick!

The first releases are reassuring, the actor is recovering gradually. The Amériq eu whole is listening the latest news. Many onlookers gather en masse outside the hospital, thousands of phone calls and telegrams are received. Medical staff stores flowers, cakes, or even bi BLES and rosaries. In the country the turmoil was at its height when the relapse occurs. The fans are suspended from the latest hoping for a remission. Expresses peritonitis combined with pleurisy. A general infection of great concern, because at that time: there are no antibiotics, sulfonamides. Unfortunately t oo small to cope with such a deterioration of his body, Rudol ph passes away August 22, 1926 at noon.

Fallen rev êtue a golden coat is exposed to a burial chamber in the middle of a piano and relics of Napoleon. of thousands of admirers filed past the coffin to sure it is dead. In the streets of New York, a huge crowd wandered, drunk with grief. Windows smashed and the mounted police charge. Of women my vanish shouting his name, others commit suicide.

The funerea goest in New York will Pharaonic reveal. Hollywood studios continue to work, observing two minutes of silence. Rudolph Valentino into a legend. The bodies are brought t in California where we proceed again to the funeral service before an audience of stars including Charlie Chaplin, Cecil B. de Mille, Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and many others. But one thing shocked the audience, the defection of Natacha Rambova shining that day, by its absence. Rudolph Valentino is buried fifteen days after cell death, leaving behind him a stream of debt. But he remained the idol of millions of women around the world, putting them on a real magnetism by the image. He was barely thirty-one years.

This post is dedicated to the memory of my grandmother Charlotte, a great admirer of Rudolph Valentino.

Friday, January 28, 2011

How Do You Clean Napkin Rings


Claude Ragon - Editions Fayard - 2011 - 358 pages.

Commissioner Graden caught cold in the winter of Jura. In the manner of Maigret investigation "seized," police very "slow" as the body crushed by the machine. What an idea to appoint officers retired Navy, the bailout of a plant in this "sea port under the snow "in the forests!
Will you take this Morteau in the stew of the day, accompanied by a Poulsard ...? County With more than eighteen months, it is recommended that young lieutenant thirty years without much refinement to the PJ, but with ... nose, wise and tasty!

Berthonex, a small town lost in the depths of the Jura is the scene of a mysterious death. Bernard Verdoux director of "Polybois" in position for approximately two years, was found dead at night in his factory, head compressed by a press wood. After an investigation classic, the local gendarmerie brigade finds enough rapidement à un accident. L'affaire en serait sans doute restée là, si le procureur n'avait pas reçu une lettre anonyme, plutôt troublante. Ecrite d'une main malhabile et bourrée de fautes d'orthographe, celle-ci suffit à entretenir un doute dans la tête du procureur, au point de justifier un complément d'enquête.
Monsieur le Procureur,
"Les aparances sont souvent trompeuses. De fausses évidences peuvent cacher la vérité. Bernard Verdoux a-t-il vraiment été victime d'un accident ? En avé-vous la preuve absolu ? irréfutable ? Saviez-vous que Verdoux n'avait pas que des amis ? Permetez-moi de reser inconu car il y va de ma sécurité."

With "From wood for coffins," Claude Ragon describes a heavy atmosphere and an atmosphere of gloom, close to Simenon to launch his young police lieutenant Bruchet Quentin, in a mission the spreading of administrative routine, became a too heavy for his taste. The universe of characters is marked by a gritty realism, mingled with a special poetry, linked to the restitution of the atmosphere of the place, and the agonizing loneliness of men.

the heart of the Jura mountains, Claude Ragon is keen to write fair, taking care especially the psychology of his characters. We discover its inhabitants and bitter nature. Their solitary life immersed in a mineral plant that allows the reader a quick emotional connection with them. Specialist indexes distilled over narration, Ragon leave it to find the culprit before the end. The whole story in simple language and straightforward.

With this first thriller and the debut of the young Lieutenant Quentin Bruchet Claude Ragon weaves a fascinating story to follow. Meanderings of the soul, urgency of the hunt, a successful suspense novel in the field of investigation, which reads very quickly ... and with some fun!
6.5 / 10.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Silveranklets For One Yr Baby In

Hello, Kitty!

A sleeping cat, it's still easier to chew.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Benches For Eagle Scout Project

I told you not to talk to strangers ... Happy New Year

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Monica Roccaforte Preg


In contrast to the conventional world of mystery novel, where "the classic novel problem" was becoming increasingly polished and formatted - the "thriller" is born
to the United States, where Dashiell Hammett in 1923 published his first stories in the magazine "Black Mask".

At the time, Americans are being offered a new trade magazine Police. "Hard boiled school writing" that can qualify (school lasts) born fashion pulp fiction magazines (magazines March good market), including Black Mask is the most famous. The journal will remain until the 30s, despite his gaudy covers and bloody, a crucible of talent (Erle Stanley Gardner, Dashiell Hammett, Raymond Chandler, and Horace McCoy) to name a few, will participate in this adventure, a genre quite New Br u for the time.

Dahiell Ha MMET is considered by specialists as the father of "No novel ir. The mystery and the enigma that does not interest are quickly replaced in his work by a private profe ssionnel thrown dans le monde contemporain et projeté dans l'action. Le "private eye" le détective privé, remplace désormais le jeune aristocrate oisif ou la vieille dame futée. Le "Whodunit" (Qui l'a fait?) a désormais vécu son temps.

Le "roman noir" marque un tournant très important dans la littérature criminelle. Il a pour ambition de rendre compte de la réalité sociétale d'un pays, au traver s du gangstérisme, de la corruption politique ou encore de la présence de l'argent et de la violence dans les milieux corrompus. Il est le reflet fidèle, de l'une des faces de la société américaine.
Le détective private "tough guy" at the Sam Spade or Philip Marlowe in the first incarnation was the flagship, and remained through several generations of horror novels.

The "thriller" describes a world where insecurity is its dominant characteristic nte, a kind of social jungle where for example the reader can see in the background: "A corrupt city police with his brutal, its Physicians chestnuts and gangsters who rule the roost, where murders are committed by professionals and investigations by police business.

The first crumb R book of its kind born in the United States in 1927, it is e "Red Harvest" and founded what French critics designate as "noir", a term used today in American English . For forty years, Donald Willsson reigns supreme on Personville, a small mining town in Montana. To counter the union agitation, he appeals to gangsters who took control of the city. Outraged by this, his son Donald hires a private detective of the Continental Op, but was assassinated shortly before the arrival of private. The latter, having unmasked the murderer decides loyalty his client to "clean city". "Red Harvest" addresses the theme of the municipality rotten cleaned by a war between rival gangs e and triggered by Op, where his private. Hammett puts the characters before the action was in that head of a school for his fellow Black Mask. This unnamed private, first appeared in the news, published by the journal.

The theme of the horn interruption of business and political class, spreads dan s novels and short stories by Dashiell Hammett. A new genre is now né, et la marque de fabrique est celle de présen ter une écriture comportementaliste où les états d'âmes des personnages n'ont pas leur place. La langue est directe et dépouillée, évitant la psychologie avec comme figure de proue "le dur à cuire solitaire qui sait se faire respecter". La première génération du roman noir était née, avec à sa tête Dashiell Hammett.

A lire : "La moisson rouge" Dashiell Hammett - nouvelle traduction intégrale de l'anglais (Etats-Unis) par Nathalie Beunat et Pierre Bondil - Editions Gallimard - 284 pages - 18,50 Euros. Et pour "les petites bourses" est disponible l'édition Folio.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Herbivores In The Antarctic


Bernard Hautecloque - Editions Normant - 2010 - 195 pages.

At the end of summer 1933, Case Violet Noziere explodes like a bomb, leaving the stunned France: a girl of eighteen years has poisoned his parents for obscure reasons.
The investigation will reveal that it is to finance the idle life of her lover and selfish heart that the girl would commit the irreparable. Sentenced to death and then pardoned, is serving his sentence
da ns harsh prison conditions at the time. But his extraordinary destiny will not stop pa s there ...

In the 1930s, France is in a serious economic crisis and political polarization. The consequences of poor economic conditions affecting especially the petty bourgeoisie and the working class, which the living conditions are deteriorating every day a little more. In this particular context, broke out "the case Noziere Violet", one of many scandals that contribute to the time, to tarnish a little more, the image of the state and respectabil ity of government.

Violet was the only girl Germaine and Baptiste Noziere. She was said, thief, liar, myth Oman, libertine and calculator. His parents adored him ! Violet and yet had no qualms about the lead by the nose. She dreamed of a "garlic their" golden youth and attended the Quarter The tin. She could not stand his modest family background, and the slow degradation of morals, would lead her to commit the unthinkable ...

writer Colette Assita trial Violet Noziere for the daily "The uncompromising." It is published in the 13 October 1934, this fake confession, the young poisoner: "At the time when I ruled the hearts of a supremely elegant gesture, I emptied co skirt cut on and lit to the flame of a lighter value, cigarettes Orient . Before starting my Bugatti , I realized that without enough money, my parents were totally chic. Say the word: they n 'were not presentable! ".

Life is a novel and Violet could not stand the everyday family. She played the image of a liberated woman and immoral in an age when adolescents and adolescents in particular, were much more closely monitored today ment. The judiciary, the press and public opinion will not cease to pursue Violet Noziere their implacable hatred. Dangerous woman, she became a woman down! It maddened society of the time, education and morals were in danger!

Hautecloque Bernard's story is very concise and reads like a diary. The reader follows impressed, the escapades of the young and depraved Violette, who was leading the way in which it wise existence tried to persuade his entourage, including his parents. Against a background of social crisis, one is caught, crushed by so many transgressions. Violet Noziere is a black soul, whose unhealthy and manipulative shenanigans perpetual, will end up "shooting gallery". In the annals of crime, it embodies one of the most extraordinary figures of the French criminal history (with the Papin sisters), who is resurrected by Bernard Hautecloque, historian.
Finally, note that 19 78, will be made a film which recounts this terrible case (crime and s few months that preceded it), signed by Cl aude Chabrol. Isab ll e Huppert plays the role of the poisoner p has rricide - John Carm e t Stéphane Audran and the parents. critical success, reward the Best Actress (Isabelle Huppert) and Supporting Actor female (Stephane Audran ) at Cannes 1978.
8 / 10.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Ikea Malm Bed Hardware

Because the month of January is not over, and phew, I can finally wish you the best for the year, I offer this little recipe of my own ( even if it's not too hard to make a crumble, I admit).

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Tarakmehta Shooting Studios


Tome 1 : "Adieu Calder". Editions Dargaud.
scénariste : Fabien Nury.
dessinateur : Renaud Garreta.

Ils sont frères. Ils se nomment Calder et Richard Benson. Ils sont héritiers d'un empire pétro lier, conquis par leur père à la fin du XIXème siècle ...

L'aîné a ce qu' on appelle "le charme the devil "it is vi o the in t runner womanizer, played eur, drinker, liar ...
The youngest seems more fragile, it is more honest more rese dream. is the "good son", in which their father places his highest hopes.

For a night of summer 1912, they commit a fra sk too: one of them must go. ... It will be Calder

From high society to the Boston
jungles of Yucatan, their fight to the death will leave its mark on tout le continent américain.

Ce sont tous les deux des Benson, ma
is un seul sera ... Le Maître de Benson Gate.

Cette saga n'est p as sans rappeler, le célèbre film de George Stevens "Géant", qui retra çait l'histoire d'une famille qui, à travers les générations, se battait pour préserver son ranch face au développement de l'industrie pétrolière, mené par leur voisin et ancien ouvrier Jett Rink (incarné à l'écran par James Dean).

Dans "Le maître de Benson Gate", c'est la rivalité two brothers are total opposites, which we traced in America if this bubbling of the early twentieth century. The reader will have the opportunity to review: "The Mexican Revolution," "The First World War," "The prohibition" or "The beginnings of the Mafia. What a program!

The theme seems ultra-classic, somewhat stereotyped characters and situations relatively agreed yet it works! We follow with interest the story where the action scenes and the narrative scenes are balanced perfectly. And it is with some pleasure, we follow the early adventures of the brothers Benson , immersed in the very "select" Boston. A fascinating story to read, we are awaiting the result with impatience! A note that Dargaud, offers the first two volumes for the low price of 13.50 euros, the third book coming from forthcoming. The authors plan to close the series in twelve volumes, pleasure, therefore, will be even bigger!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Kates Playground Vidéos


Richard Grossman - Editions du Cherche Midi - 2011 - 472 pages.

Clyde Wayne Franklin has spent twenty years behind bars for the murder of his parents. Nicknamed "The man-Alphabet" - his body is completely tattooed with letters - it is the most controversial poet of the United States. When his girlfriend Barbie, a former prostitute who tried to blackmail a senator with presidential ambitions, finds himself in mortal danger, Clyde decides to take matters in hand ... This is the beginning of an investigation very Hitchcockian, where thriller and poetry collide in the slums of Washington DC.

In the Man-Alphabet "poetry is not without horror, nor the cruelty of death. Clyde Wayne Franklin too. A reflection that the rising hero au-dessus de sa condition et fait tomber les masques quand ce dernier déclare : "L'Amérique adore les meurtres, or je suis un meurtrier américain. Si vous voulez faire la une des journaux (ce qui a été mon cas à plusieurs reprises), vous n'avez qu'à détruire quelqu'un avec un minimum d'imagination".

Dans l'Enfer de Dante, il y a des cercles ou des degrés ! Encore une marche à descendre et le lecteur jette un regard curieux, inquiet et horrifié sur ces damnés de la Terre. Dans ce jeu d'embrouille, il arrive qu'on mélange assassins et victimes. Richard Grossman porte un regard cynique et noir qui signe la fin du rêve américain. Il décrit une social jungle where it is no longer understand why an individual removes another? This conundrum is integrated with an action and a description of the world, one and one particularly violent. A text
difficult access prevented me I confess, to go through this book without having a "head on fire" and without the certainty that they are noise and rage that the destiny of the world. An impressionistic look hard to read and easily accessible to the average reader that I represent. I'm sorry the first ...

Thank editions Search noon and the entire team Blog-O-Book for this partnership.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Poem For Camels Acrostic

You do not want a whiskey first?

few months ago, my talented friends Aude-Lise & Matt have created the fanzine is
the Rocks, which, as its name suggests, focuses on rock culture in all its diversity
: literary, musical, film
... Committed to the project from the beginning, I was lucky enough to entrust me stripping BD
the No. 2 (forthcoming), "the mystical" being the main theme.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Is It Safe To Masterbate With An Abscess


Georges Simenon

"A great writer"

son of an accountant and a clerk in dry goods, Simenon was born in 1903. Fifteen years, he left school after professional debut hesitant (baker, bookstore clerk) in Liege, his hometown - he was sixteen when he returns the Gazette de Liège " . He stayed three years, will take care of a daily ticket which was entitled "out of the house" and he signed has Lecoq, for the day nal wishes not to take responsibility. Indeed, Simenon was not quite the color of the paper, it to say: Catholic and conservative Eur. This position will allow him to see through all the classes s OCIAL : the ultimate experience for a future novelist.

In 1922, he fai does his military service while continuing to write to the Gazette. His dream is to end the barracks and go to Paris. It reads "Mystery e Room yellow "and Rouletabille impressed to the point, it will person as his preferred age: a raincoat, a hat pulled down over his forehead and screwed a pipe at the corner of his mouth. He moved in Paris and became the secretary a worldly writer named Binet-Valmer, totally forgotten today. Then he met Eugene Merle, who offered him work in one of his newspapers "Frou-Frou ". C'è st at that time, encouraged by his boss, he m and write popular novels. The prem ist as published in 1924, in Ferenczi and is entitled "The novel a typist." This is the beginning of a vocation ...

Soon S imeno n tries to write as much as possible, with concrete words ts. That is probably why his books are translated in the world, in almost a hundred languages and reaches ant over half a billion books sold. He wants character s "true", which tells nt not their feelings, but act and which we see the actions. Characters with their cracks and faults in their daily lives, dare to go after themselves.

"From my fifteen or sixteen, I was curious about the man and the difference between man" h abillé "and man" naked. "The man he is itself and the man as he appears in p ublic . George Simen it.

February 20 1931, the Paris publisher Fayard Arthème organizing a major literary man Theatre Education Committee, where he invites all Paris at the time. His goal: to launch a new fictional character "Jules Maigret" as twenty years ago, he had propelled "Fantomas". The author called
e Georges Simenon, he was twenty-eight years is unknown, but q ui has already released: 187 popular novels signed by 22 aliases. Maigret appears for the first time in re "Pietr Latvian," a novel published in 1931.

Maigret who opened the "gates of the literature", he began a series of novels p SYCHOLOGY as "Betrothal of Mr. Hire" (1933) and "canal house" (1933), he will describe as "hard novels" or "novels of destiny". From 1945 to 1955, he moved to the United States where he set several of his novels, including "Three ch ambers M anhattan" (1947), "Maigret in New York" (1947) or "L watchmaker Everton "(1954). Back in Europe, he settled permanently in Switzerland and abandons the novel in 1972. Deeply shocked by the death of his daughter Marie-Jo, he took the pen in 1980 to write his "Intimate Memoirs," before shutting himself until his death in 1989, in the silence.

"Writing in joy, what nonsense! Roman finished, I go in life. George Simen it.

Success u niv Ersel Maigret (cycle includes 75 novels) has unfortunately somewhat overshadowed the rest of his ow WORKING (117 r Omen hard "). It should be noted, still a few peaks, among others: "The eldest Ferchaux" (1945), "The snow was dirty" (1948) and "Ghosts of the Hatter" (1949). A work that much - Celine Cocteau and Gide Mac Orlan stand as one of the most important of the twentieth century, and includes in the same fervor, amate urs of thrillers and general literature. Having narrowly missed the Nobel Prize for Literature , Georges Simenon is entered in the prestigious Pleiade, a just recognition for the Francophone writer, like an Agatha Christie saw his fame to go around the world .

Raised in u do guesthouse during his youth when there were almost as e Russian students. Simenon began with Russian literature before even know the literature French. Gogol, Chekhov, Pushkin, Dostoevsky, Balzac and Flaubert before Gorky. Then he developed a passion for writers like Dickens and Conrad. And good student, does he want to clarify, he had seriously studied the classics. Asked by a reporter who asked him, what is your favorite writer? Simenon said this: The greatest writer of the nineteenth century, I say Gogol. The greatest writer of the twentieth century: Faulkner.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Pros & Cons Of Chemotherapy For Breast Cancer



We Friday August 9, 1969, and it is around midnight, at 10050 Cielo Drive. In this paradise villa, perched on the heights of Hollywood Hills , saw an American actress eight months pregnant: ell e called Sharon Tate. It is nce IS little, wife of Roman Polanski, famous Polish director, a French citizen and absent this evening, busy with his professional duties in Europe.

Sharon Tate pass the evening with his friends Jay Sebring, a hairdresser renamed, ex-boyfriend became her confidant, Wojciech Frykowski, a Polish friend of Polanski and Abigail Ann Folger, a rich heiress girlfriend Wojcieh. After a quick dinner at local restaurant, the four guests return to the villa about twenty-two hours. They talk, they stroll, they dream of future projects - a commonplace occurrence in everyday life, a summer evening in the hills of Hollywood.
Yet the lend em ain morning they discovered the bodies of five people: Sharon Tate, his three friends and goalkeeper Steve Parent: all killed by bullets, 22 gauge and numerous stab wounds . This is the housekeeper Winifred Chapman, who discovered the grisly stage and prevent the police.
Only indices
retr ouvés on the scene: the words PIG (pig) and War (war) entered s in letters of blood on the walls and door of the house. The wheat is cut quickly discovered: it is Charles Manson (36 years) and four of his has depts three young women, Susan Atkins, Patricia Krenwinkel and Linda Kasabian. They barely twenty years and like all girls of that time, wearing long hair and dressed in colorful robes. As for the boy, Charles Tex Watson , he completed E group.

The "Manson family" living in community, in an abandoned nearby ranch - former Western decor. The guru, supposedly endowed with supernatural powers, managed to put his disciples in length. Reasons: hatred of blacks, the decline of the white race and the scheduled end of the world ... And all this against a background of drug, sex and the occult: a cocktail of popular "family". C harles Manson
t es seen by his disciples as an idol and his orders are never discussed. His magnetism is such that women are subjugated.

The trial began in June 1970 and will be the guru and his gang, have already been guilty of other crimes similar rituals. Hollywood has witnessed the most heinous crime ever! Cielo Drive and became "the devil's house".
Manson is self defense and all the defendants, Susan Atkins will be the most challenging, throwing the court: "Close your doors double locked and watch your children." All five will be sentenced to death in 1971 ... They are currently still in prison, the sentence was commuted to life imprisonment.

House Cielo Drive was destroyed in 1994, replaced by an Italian style mansion. The mother of Sharon Tate, was devoted in recent years, prisoner escort in hospital ... And as it
el Red Hollywood, will long be remembered for m e urtr com es put in the villa of a director. Where a starlet became famous through a movie based on a bestseller by Jacqueline Susann " The Valley of the Dolls". Tate embodied a sinking star who ended pa r is Loved to destroy small pills (called "my little doll"). The same year she turned in the direction of her husband "The Fearless Vampire Killers" where she played the fresh and charming young daughter of a Transylvanian innkeeper, that the bite of a vampire doomed to hell. At the time, Polanski through his last two films "Rosemary's Baby" and "The Fearless Vampire Killers", addressed the theme of Satanism and its fantasy film, looked much against him, a realization in the horrible tragic assassination his wife.
The last book read by Sharon Tate was "Tess of Uberville" of Thomas Hardy, whose Roman Polanski took a superb film, dedicated to his memory, ten years later, with Nasstaja Kinski in the title role.