Friday, December 10, 2010

Whats A Good Room On Pokemon Indigo



long time, the detective novel has had a bad reputation. At one time, fans were buying into a newsstand at the corner of a street or a train station. For him, careful not to cover, but catchy illustrations colorful and often garish, no paper copies of luxury, but sold only on recycled paper.

From the 1950s to the 1980s, they bought a small detective for the trip, just to kill time and have a good time. It accused the detective story of all evils to be poorly written, to be made to the chain still on the same canvas, to be violent and often immoral ... Today, while these criticisms have fizzled. Not that they sometimes were not well founded, but because the old forms of crime fiction, lived ...

"I never admitted that the bad taste in blankets, a necessity for the popular prints called". Georges Simenon.

Today, the crime novel or thriller is right across town. He is the subject of symposia and university theses, it is celebrated with awards and festivals, is celebrated with large collections that adds an undeniable finishing éditorial. La frontière entre noir et blanc a tendance à se rétrécir, on peut même affirmer aujourd'hui qu'elle n'existe plus. Pas un éditeur qui ne crée sa collection de romans policiers ou n'envisage de le faire. Les éditions Albin Michel furent parmi les premiers, à prendre la décision de lancer une collection "Spécial Suspense - Grand Format", et à révéler les nouveaux auteurs de polar (nouvelle génération), dont Mary Higgins Clark, au public français, dès la fin des années 70. Le polar dès lors, trouvait une place de choix sur les rayons des libraires, au même titre que la littérature "blanche" et sortait enfin du ghetto "Pocket size" where it had been confined for too many years.

"I read many novels. I found an inner strength and style (knowledge of the soul) that far exceed what novelists produce. Jean Cocteau.

Arguably today that the detective novel has won the battle for recognition, because he has conquered all kinds of territories: cinema, theater, comics, radio and television ! Whether mystery novel, thriller, suspense or romance novel of police procedure, what strikes the observer the latest developments of its kind: the proliferation of "niche", described as thrillers: medical thrillers, thrillers, legal thrillers technological, economic thrillers etc. ...
Not surprisingly, a novel sold in bookstores in four, a thriller!


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