Friday, December 3, 2010

Lou Gehrig's Disease Punnett Squares


THRILLER . Harlan Coben
- Editions Belfond - 2010 - 439 pages.

Wendy, a prominent journalist in a TV show, live trap sexual predators. When she caught Dan Mercer, all the facts overwhelm the social worker responsible for youth difficulties. Worse yet, it is even suspected of murder.
However, Wendy feels, something is wrong. And if she was wrong? If Dan was innocent? She then decides to conduct its own investigation. Gradually, his investigations lead him in the past to Dan, Princeton University, when he shared a room with four inseparable buddies ...
Secrets of the past, disappearances, Machiavellian conspiracies, manipulations on the Net: Wendy could never imagine what she is about to discover. But she went too far. Soon, the danger lurks closer and inexorably ...

Nevermind slogan Harlan Coben wants to sell us as "the master of our sleepless nights." Also forget that most of his novels have a tendency to play the old recipe of "Beware of still waters." And finally, his stories have one thing in common: the fact that the victim disappeared mysteriously from the first pages of the book.

In "Without Evidence" for the first time in Coben, the hero is a heroine. For all the plot twists are well and the hallmark of pseudo-master. It is chilling fans, with blows of disappearances (again!) Machiavellian conspiracies and manipulations on the Net.

can not describe the stories of Harlan Coben "hard and violent." They are composed of short chapters that explore using a writing a "little plate", a world where heroes often resemble readers and do not worry. The writer who lost his parents when he was twenty, has a habit of addressing the shots of the hallowed American family in her novels. A social reality often unique to Western civilization! but never harms to intrigue and suspense, that Coben has all the rules. Il les enseigne d'ailleurs en ateliers d'écriture ...

J'avoue n'avoir pris aucun plaisir à lire ce roman... Ecriture plate, sans relief, chapitres souvent mal agencés, n'aidant pas à la compréhension de l'histoire. Les parutions du romancier américain, s'enchaînent à un rythme de plus en plus élevé, et à l'image de son héroïne : une nunuche particulièrement agaçante à suivre dans son enquête, les scénarios de monsieur Coben apparaissent de plus en plus vieillots et ringards. En un mot "dépassé" ...

"Faute Preuves" est paru en exclusivité France Loisirs, will be available in bookstores in a few months.


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