Thursday, December 30, 2010

How To Set Brookstone Baggage Lock


SHOWTIME presents "DEXTER" with Michael C.
HALL in the title role.
Developed for television by James Manos Jr.
based on a novel by Jeff Lindsay, "Darkly Dreaming Dexter
This" - published Editions du Seuil.
Released in France by Canal +

Forensic Scientist of the Miami police, Dexter Morgan is specialized in the analysis of samples sanguins. A ses heures perdues, il est également un tueur en série qui élimine tous les malfrats et criminels de la ville . Mais son monde est secoué, lorsqu'il découvre les "meurtres parfaits" d'un autre tueur en série de Miami. " DEXTER " est l'un des shows télévisés les plus acclamés du moment, à voir absolument pour la qualité exceptionnelle de son écriture scénaristique. Un drama sombre et déjanté ... Jubilatoire!

Au départ, il s'agit d'un thriller très moyen signé d'un ex- musicien and actor, became a writer: Jeff Lind say "Darkly Dreaming Dexter r". But the protagonist of the novel: expert forensic "specializing in sprays of blood," enthusiastically p roducteur Jam es Manos Jr., who had already shown, with series c ike " The Sopranos "or" The Shield ". Beyond the writing quality and flawless execution of episodes, this "vigilante" unlike any other, is portrayed by an actor except the name of Michael C. Hall already noticed in the series "Six Feet Und er "where he played the role of embalmer, gay and very religious, a funeral director. The ambiguity of his character, a sort of" Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde "- the Angel day Devil by night - an opportunity for the American actor, to display the full range of her immense acting talent.

We learn had there a few months ago, cancer Michael C. Hall, prompting him to put his career on hold. After months of chemotherapy treatments and a lot of the actor is better! "He found the chemin des plateaux de tournage, de la saison 5 de "Dexter". Michaël C. Hall a confié à son entourage, qu'il ne pensait pas pouvoir fêter son quarantième anniversaire, se souvenant de la mort de son père, victime d'un cancer lui aussi, à l'âge de 39 ans seulement. Pas de fatalité donc, pour le jeune acteur américain, puisqu'il est aujourd'hui officiellement en rémission.

A noter que la série rep rend les lieux, les personnages et le début du premier roman de Jeff L indsay "Ce cher Dexter". Cependant les auteurs de la série ont préféré se détacher fairly quickly after the first volume, and not follow the plot of the second volume "The black passenger. Book series and thus form, two stories totaleme nt different from the second season. As for season 6, she just started.
A word now on the hearings, you'll probably be very surprised to know that hearing "record" about the series, was achieved with the release of Season 4: with only 2.574 million viewers on average . What a country as large and populous as the United States, a score is completely confidential, although Showtime is a cable channel, so pay! Such programs, having no place on major U.S. networks : such ABC, CBS or NBC because considered too violent and not enough backbone. ..
Finally, the American cable channel Showtime, launched in October 2009, a cartoon derived from the famous series. Michael C. Hall, lends his voice to his animated double, in this web-series that traces the early years and the first serial killer's crimes.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Sneakers That Fit Like Gloves


"Titin" organizes la nouvelle année, un nouveau challenge intitulé: ROMAN NOIR DES 50's.

Trois grands auteurs américains de "La Noire" sont invités : il s'agit de CHESTER HIMES, JIM THOMPSON et DAVID GOODIS.

Le but du challenge est de lire au moins une oeuvre de chacun de ces trois auteurs et vous aurez jusqu'au 31 décembre 2011, pour le faire. Si vous aimez les polars, vous trouverez votre bonheur, auprès de ces trois auteurs américains à l'univers très sombre. Et l'occasion d'échanger nos avis littéraires, sur ces grandes figures de la littérature américaine. Merci Titine !

N'hésitez pas à register on the blog "to cultivate pleasures" /

What Chemicals Are In Bob O Pedic


From Lionel Shriver - Belfond editions - 2010 - 445 pages.
One night in New York during an impromptu tennis match, Willy meets Eric. She is professional player, swinging and catchy, but it is amazingly gifted amateur tennis player. Between them is the thunderbolt. They marry. And the trouble starts.

I confess that I struggled to get into this novel, the story initially seems simple. The writing "very descriptive" Lionel Shriver, was a bit "put off". For this face to face in love in the middle of the tennis is slowly starting off ...

For heroin, the encounter with Eric a man she knows nothing will shock! With this little helping hand from fate, she will quickly realize that the time has come for a fresh start. ..

But power and ambition that prevail in the couple, will gradually destroy everything, giving way somehow to the "gender wars. The unspoken resentments emerge and convent, add this: the bickering, quips and settlement of accounts and you are witness to the slow but inexorable breakdown of the couple.

A clever romantic and literary construction makes this relationship, a novel in which the desire and passion is gradually transformed into "marital poison." Lionel Shriver revisit codes of marriage and shows without some talent, that behind the appearances, behind the first flames of love are woven of the deaf and sordid conspiracies. An uncompromising story where at the end of the book, the heroine will be a crucial choice to make.

Thank editions Belfond and Blog-O-Book for friendly partnership.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Where I Can Invest My 10,000.00 Pesos




SPY FRENCH (1870-1989). Group - headed by Bruno Fuligni - Publishing Inconoclaste -2010 to 350 pages - 69 Euros.

culmination of two years of meticulous research, this exceptional book reveals for the first time, exclusive footage of himself
rvices French secret! If American and British archives have opened for many years, the French secret services have always refused to do so until today. ..

The major issues of the espi onnage French revealed for the first time. A dive into the secrets of state, from 1870 to the end of the Cold War. Spies legend. Sensitive cases. Two years of research in several kilometers of archives.

Fe rmées far, the archives of r French education have been opened for the first time, an editor, who worked independently, selected topics, documents and authors. More importantly, exceptional relaxations were obtained on contemporary affairs, beyond the usual dates of Communicate is archives.

two years, a team of researchers, led by Bruno Fuligni, has unearthed hundreds of archives consulted thousands of documents and images, photographed dozens of items and spoils of war, often difficult to access. In total, more than 800 treasures that have been selected and reproduced in this work. So many pieces that give new insights historical events.

From the defeat of 1870 at the end of the Cold War, these pages recount the heyday of espionage and spying French-cons. The birth of services, changing their techniques, but also their role in the great history: The Dreyfus Affair, The Bolshevik Revolution, the rise of Nazism, Stalinism, Free France in London's preparations Landing, The War in Algeria, Operation Kolwezi, The Farewell. It will cross the great figures of spies: Bolo Pacha - Fantomas - Otto Skorzeny - Colonel Passy, George Easter - as seductive as legend: The Paiva - Mistinguett, Mata Hari and Josephine Baker.

Covering each of these stories, the reader will take time for the clothes of the secret agent, its codes and its vocabulary. Publishing Iconoclast.

NOTE: That teaches France Loisirs moved with the consent of the editions of The Iconoclast, a smaller version, presented in the same format as the "spies". This book has 225 pages instead of the 350 account that the original version, but it is proposed à ses adhérents, au prix très intéressant de 24,50 Euros. Néanmoins, ce livre est amputé de nombreux dossiers et de nombreuses photographies, et seule une vingtaine d'auteurs ont participé à cette version, au lieu des quarante-deux pour la version originale. L'exclusivité restant la propriété des éditions de l'Iconoclaste.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Køb Jeff Hardy Costume



Romance hist oir e, suspense and espionage - "The Bleiberg project" is a story c oncis and p assion to read not resembling those "blocks" feature more than fifty q hundred pages, often ending Finishing ... Between past and present, David S. Khara keeps the reader guessing until the last line and the fact that travel around the world. Published by a small publishing house Rennes "Critic", the "Bleiberg Project" is a big success in France and saw a real fairy tale, prancing in ac rently, the top three best-selling " susp ense. " And perhaps soon, a film adaptation?

With "The Reli
region," Tim Willocks offers the reader an immense mural hist RING, amazing romantic sound and fury ... With
as main ingredients: power, passion, blood and tears. A work supported by
solid historical documentation, colorful, worthy of the greatest adventure films on the big screen ... A monument in the genre, especially not to miss. Violent and flaming at once! And most importantly, easy to read!

The "s places
Shadows" is primarily a literary work extremely well written. The acid pen of Gillian Flynn and violent, its very modern style: at both realistic and raw, you will in a dark and violent history. Story very well built, although a bit slow, seize you by the irreversible switching from drama to come. With a keen sense of tragedy, this story does not leave you indifferent far from it, and will haunt you for long.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Bosch Dishwasher Varies Time




Sous la press io n du public américain de l'époque, David O . Selznick producteur "d'Autant en emporte le vent", trouve un accord avec la Metro Goldwin Mayer, pour confier le rôle de Rhett Butler à Clark Gable. Toutefois, ce dernier accepte l'offre à reculons, persuadé que les rôles aristocratiques ne sont pas fait pour lui. On sait ce qu'il en a été par la suite : un succè s mondial pour le film et pour l' acteur.

David O. Se lznick must now find the "gem", the capab embody the e notch the elusive Scarlett O'Hara. He launched an extensive campaign across all the United States and hundreds of actresses fu rent contacted to shoot a screen test, including many Hollywood stars . After many "screen test" is Paulette Goddard (com Spain at the time of Charlie Chaplin) who almost Trigger speargun Her role.

If the first shots officially began, January 26, 1939 the famous sequence of the fire had actually been shot in December 1938.
The day after the fire, amid the smoking ruins, Selznick wrote to his wife in New York: "The sequence of the fire I was excited. This has been one of the highlights of my career st. First to the scene, but also for fear! "Gone with the Wind has finally started! My brother Myron landed on tray with Laurence Olivier and Vivien Leigh. It's the underdog! it al ' has ir p arfaite ... Thus, as a young English actress Vivien Leigh became u No later Scarlett O'Hara. She learned she had the role, on Christmas Day 1938 of the voice of O. Selznic k itself.
The country was somewhat disappointed to learn that this is not an American actress who would play the primary role of
film, about the southerners, they declared: "Pl Utot u not English, a Yankee! ".

the last clap of late, it was already ready for an e first vision. Selznick wanted organize without telling the press, because he wanted to collect r reaction of a public record. Representatives left the studio with fifty-four reels of film, we were Sept. 9, 1939. They left Los Ang eels and rolled for two hours. Finally, they parked in front of the "Fox Theatre in Riverside, was played" Beau Geste "with Gary Cooper, before a packed audience. Selznick did call the manager ...
They made the the umi era ... A men I went on stage and announced to the public, he would attend a "First". He said no more, saying only that the projection tion would be long. When the name of
and Mitchell appeared on the screen, ente NDIT from the observat u rs, a ruckus unprecedented in the room ... As the movie title ap rut on the screen, ce fut un coup de tonnerre! le public hurlait de joie debout sur leurs sièges, et des salves d'applaudissements saluèrent l'adaptation du best-seller, comme un soulagement ... on n'entendit plus la mus ique!
Madame O'Selznick présente ce jour-là, au côté de son époux, pleurait à chaudes larmes co mme u ne enfant. A la fin de la projection, le public était abasourdi, médusé par ce qu'il venait de voir à l'écran.


En 1961, David O. Selzn ick, Vivien Leigh and Olivia de Havilland returned to Atlanta for the Centennial of the Civil War. They were happy and sad ... They had grown older, the film, he, estab it remained young. . . They were the last recorded iers survivors. Leslie Howard had perished e No aircraft in 1943, lasted nt a secret mission for the British. Margaret Mitchell wrote No one book, died in 1949, hit by a car e Atl anta . Clark Gable had a heart attack in 1960, just out of the film "Misfits."
Selznick spoke often the dilemma that success sentenced him: whatever films he made later, they were compared and found to "Gone With the Wind." David O. Selznick died in 1965, and Vivien Leigh two years later, lost his long depression in which madness awaited him ...
And the movie you say? the audience knew it was a great show, respectful of readers of the book, a screen legend!
In sum, although there re
decline, there never was a Rhett Butler in David's head O. Selzni ck : Gable! un film dont ce dernier ne voulait pas et qui ne voulait nul autre que lui ...
Quant à Vivien Leigh, e
lle immortalisa la légende: en gravant à tout jamais sur la p ellicule une Scarlett sombre, torturée, adorable, attachante et pourtant si t errible par son égoïsme, sa voracité, sa force... Et l'on se souvie ndra longtemps de la dernière phrase du film, de sa dernière répl ique, allongée au bas d'un grand escalier drapé de velours, couleur rouge grenat : "APRES TOUT, DEMAIN EST UN AUTRE JOUR". ..

Friday, December 17, 2010

Short Hot Pink Poofy Dress

Because I was on the road

Well, well, I try stuff.

How To Know Bluetooth Manufacturer


Anne B. Ragde - Editions Balland - 2010 - 380 pages - Volume 2 / 3.
Price booksellers and readers 2010.

Three brothers are worlds apart, is found in the family farm in the death of their mother. All face at some point in their lives when they must make a choice
important. Tor, the eldest, must decide whether to continue his pig or leave his f ille take over the farm and then leave his life as a social worker at Oslo. What will become of the farm Neshov? Can they overcome their differences to rebuild family ties strained for so long?

"At the farm, anyway, everything was fine was set aside for that day would never come."

In prem ier v olet the Norwegian saga "The land lies," the three brothers were in the Neshov small family farm after the death of their mother and faced the family secrets, the and unspoken resentments. Today, everyone went back to his little life, but the past prowls around like a ghost.

In this of uxième tome "The farm Neshov", Anne B. Ragde m and new calf scene, the intersecting fates of family members Neshov, who gradually learn to know each other. "The mender of destinies" loves through his characters, sniff the air, soak up the daily events, to "take the train" of a story. M ais Anne B. Ragde, it is primarily the concern of just write with humor, with a particular care the psychology of his hero and the romantic construction. Little by little, things get in Instead, the reader quickly and connects emotionally with the characters, an empathic relationship settles, so that by the end of reading, it has the feeling of having lost close friends ...

be found in "The Neshov farm" all the ingredients that turn a few hours of pure reading pleasure. In an atmosphere heavy and confined, Anne B. Ragde probe very well, and usually half-word, the meanderings of the soul. She signed a saga of great psychological insight where sorrow and pain mingled with the warmth and love. That may be so, we recognizes a great writer, this ability to confuse, to mix the light and dark, to play feelings. "The farm Neshov" gives strong family emotions, and brings us into an era of ours between Oslo and Copenhagen, agricultural land to artists' studios, on a background of reunions, missing links are revealing little little unwavering, yet so weak. In summary: of breath, the epic, modesty and a beautiful tribute to life .
8 / 10.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Kate Ground Shower Stream

Bring Out Your Dead!

© Editions Talent Blast.
Bonus Collection Mini Dual Books.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Whats A Good Room On Pokemon Indigo



long time, the detective novel has had a bad reputation. At one time, fans were buying into a newsstand at the corner of a street or a train station. For him, careful not to cover, but catchy illustrations colorful and often garish, no paper copies of luxury, but sold only on recycled paper.

From the 1950s to the 1980s, they bought a small detective for the trip, just to kill time and have a good time. It accused the detective story of all evils to be poorly written, to be made to the chain still on the same canvas, to be violent and often immoral ... Today, while these criticisms have fizzled. Not that they sometimes were not well founded, but because the old forms of crime fiction, lived ...

"I never admitted that the bad taste in blankets, a necessity for the popular prints called". Georges Simenon.

Today, the crime novel or thriller is right across town. He is the subject of symposia and university theses, it is celebrated with awards and festivals, is celebrated with large collections that adds an undeniable finishing éditorial. La frontière entre noir et blanc a tendance à se rétrécir, on peut même affirmer aujourd'hui qu'elle n'existe plus. Pas un éditeur qui ne crée sa collection de romans policiers ou n'envisage de le faire. Les éditions Albin Michel furent parmi les premiers, à prendre la décision de lancer une collection "Spécial Suspense - Grand Format", et à révéler les nouveaux auteurs de polar (nouvelle génération), dont Mary Higgins Clark, au public français, dès la fin des années 70. Le polar dès lors, trouvait une place de choix sur les rayons des libraires, au même titre que la littérature "blanche" et sortait enfin du ghetto "Pocket size" where it had been confined for too many years.

"I read many novels. I found an inner strength and style (knowledge of the soul) that far exceed what novelists produce. Jean Cocteau.

Arguably today that the detective novel has won the battle for recognition, because he has conquered all kinds of territories: cinema, theater, comics, radio and television ! Whether mystery novel, thriller, suspense or romance novel of police procedure, what strikes the observer the latest developments of its kind: the proliferation of "niche", described as thrillers: medical thrillers, thrillers, legal thrillers technological, economic thrillers etc. ...
Not surprisingly, a novel sold in bookstores in four, a thriller!

Friday, December 3, 2010

Are Walls As Good As Carhartt

... who had never sailed

Lou Gehrig's Disease Punnett Squares


THRILLER . Harlan Coben
- Editions Belfond - 2010 - 439 pages.

Wendy, a prominent journalist in a TV show, live trap sexual predators. When she caught Dan Mercer, all the facts overwhelm the social worker responsible for youth difficulties. Worse yet, it is even suspected of murder.
However, Wendy feels, something is wrong. And if she was wrong? If Dan was innocent? She then decides to conduct its own investigation. Gradually, his investigations lead him in the past to Dan, Princeton University, when he shared a room with four inseparable buddies ...
Secrets of the past, disappearances, Machiavellian conspiracies, manipulations on the Net: Wendy could never imagine what she is about to discover. But she went too far. Soon, the danger lurks closer and inexorably ...

Nevermind slogan Harlan Coben wants to sell us as "the master of our sleepless nights." Also forget that most of his novels have a tendency to play the old recipe of "Beware of still waters." And finally, his stories have one thing in common: the fact that the victim disappeared mysteriously from the first pages of the book.

In "Without Evidence" for the first time in Coben, the hero is a heroine. For all the plot twists are well and the hallmark of pseudo-master. It is chilling fans, with blows of disappearances (again!) Machiavellian conspiracies and manipulations on the Net.

can not describe the stories of Harlan Coben "hard and violent." They are composed of short chapters that explore using a writing a "little plate", a world where heroes often resemble readers and do not worry. The writer who lost his parents when he was twenty, has a habit of addressing the shots of the hallowed American family in her novels. A social reality often unique to Western civilization! but never harms to intrigue and suspense, that Coben has all the rules. Il les enseigne d'ailleurs en ateliers d'écriture ...

J'avoue n'avoir pris aucun plaisir à lire ce roman... Ecriture plate, sans relief, chapitres souvent mal agencés, n'aidant pas à la compréhension de l'histoire. Les parutions du romancier américain, s'enchaînent à un rythme de plus en plus élevé, et à l'image de son héroïne : une nunuche particulièrement agaçante à suivre dans son enquête, les scénarios de monsieur Coben apparaissent de plus en plus vieillots et ringards. En un mot "dépassé" ...

"Faute Preuves" est paru en exclusivité France Loisirs, will be available in bookstores in a few months.