Sunday, March 6, 2011

How Many Members Do Average Gym Have


Jean-Christophe Grange - Albin Michel - 2010 - 674 pages.

Jeanne Korowai, judge to life loving disastrous places on the psychoanalyst listens to her boyfriend. This monitoring the results on the track of three brutal crimes committed against women: a series of gruesome murders (dismemberment, cannibalism ...). The investigation leads him to South America to discover a terrible secret and unexpected, which will lead to the dark side of man and nature, with history and primitive violence.

Only l'imagination du maître français du thriller pouvait donner naissance à ce tueur cannibale, adepte de mises en scène macabres. Et Jean-Christophe Grangé n'a pas son pareil pour créer dès les premières pages, une atmosphère terrible et oppressante qui nous tient en haleine jusqu'à la dernière page. Dans "La forêt des Mânes", il dissèque la noirceur humaine dévouée au mal depuis la naissance de l'homme : quand l'espèce se cherchait au contact du climat, du paysage et des obstacles...

Dès son premier roman, le célèbre auteur français a décidé de faire frissonner ses lecteurs comme ses compères américains, et it remains to this day the most popular writer of a genre which has a novel one fixed codes. "Forest of the Manes" is no exception to this rule: visual writing, film cutting, solid documentation, dialogue and plots to manly many surprises, all done to maintain the suspense and fear that when the book is successful, short of the first to the last page, to a voltage. It is there, his trademark!

hard to tell the story of this book is as dense as the Amazon is trying to clear our heroine in search of truth. The equation in three unknowns: autism, genetics, prehistory are fascinating pages to read ... By demonstrating a great scholar, a barn built fascinating and complex story that goes beyond entertainment and creates a unique world, filled with wonderful characters, from witchcraft, fantasy, ritual and satanic crime. A successful combination for a novel intelligent and breathless, always surprising, marrying the crime to the magic.

Despite a disappointing end that I was not totally convinced, this extraordinary epic of initiation experienced by the heroine Jeanne Korowa où l'auteur mêle avec brio une aventure palpitante et les questions des origines du Mal, révèle une audacieuse radiographie d'un monde cruel et pervers. A la lecture de ce roman très brillant au 3/4, je reste convaincu du talent de cet auteur, qui n'a pas fini de nous surprendre.

Friday, March 4, 2011

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● Reform Category B - The Centre for Social Action of the City of Paris blacklisted! ●

reform category B agents CASVP, the City of Paris and the Department will be debated at the Supreme Council of Administrations Parisian Thursday, March 10, 2011. Rally for categories C and B 12:00 (filed notice of 12 to 14.00)
Unlike other Parisian administrations, the Social Action Center of the City of Paris has no plans to integrate transitional provisions to improve the passage of certain officers of C B.

Despite numerous requests of the CGT, the Directorate of CASVP rejects all proposals.

Our union calls on all relevant personnel to mobilize March 7, 2011, Place de l'Hotel de Ville 12h00 to 14h00 , so that the measures are implemented at City CASVP.

In the body of social and medical secretaries:
  • Assistants Dental clinics CASVP holding the certificate of quality dental assistant level IV.
In the body of Administrative Secretary:
  • administrative assistants on functional uses (eg, administrative assistants, deputies and department heads) etc ...
In the body of personal Masters:
  • main technical assistants 1st or 2nd class who work in a catering service which controls the processing of food on site and serve more than 45,000 annual covered (restaurants solidarity ) etc ...


No progress on ratios promoted / promotable (RPP), too many differences between the City and the CASVP.

Administrative Secretary upper class
24.02% 11.60%
Secretary Administrative Class Outstanding
SMS upper class
22.04% 14.30%
outstanding Class SMS
Assistant Principal Social-educational

The percentage used determines the number of officers promoted from the number of agents who meet the statutory requirements for the advancement. Our organization

Union denounces:
  • inequality of treatment between the City and the CASVP
  • Inadequate promotion rates set by the Paris City Hall
CGT ask all officers to be mobilized.
  • Rally SMS at 11:00 precise (notice filed on the day)
  • Rally for categories C and B at 12:00 PM (filed notice of 12 to 14.00)
Place Hotel de Ville - City Hall Subway

What Can I Give My Baby For Hives?



Le XXème siècle restera le siècle de l'image. Au fil des années, elles ont marqué, fasciné. A travers elles, certains films nous sont devenus familiers et sont entrés dans nos vies, notamment la période des années seventy who personified the conflict of generations. And some films released during this period were the subject of scandals, censorship exerted, ia nt following the reactions of certain political or religious associations, watching the screens of a eil o attentive. As we know, between censorship and filmmakers, has widened throughout the history of the 7th art, a gap, an abyss of incomprehension. What some disapproved the name of public morality, others celebrated as an art form. But over time, laws m oral and movies have changed na nt remained. Examples:

In 1971, "ORANGE MECHANICS" Stanley Kubrick with Malcolm Mac Dowell , brings scene boy ances where violence reigns everywhere in England e near future. To escape a long prison sentence after committing a murder, Alice agrees to undergo treatment revolutionary, to remove any trace of violence in him. Reinserted, it is overtaken by one of his victims who torture. Released on British screens in December of that year, the film caused a scandal e t this historic ire of violence gave nce born to a bitter debate about the limits to which the film was required to comply. The intellectuals went to the plate to defend the film, but "Orange Mécaniq eu" was removed from the poster by Kubrick himself, following death threats and an intense campaign by the conservative press the time, accusing him of devoting youth. Through this film, Kubrick shocked and touched the heart a whole generation of teenagers in need of rebellion against society. And despite the censorship, the film will continue its operations in certain foreign countries, including France . Twenty-seven years after its completion, the film will again be allowed out on British screens by the British Board of Film Classificatio n ", the control body of film distribution.

In 1972, Paris December opens in preview, the last production of Bernardo Bertol ucci "THE LAST TANGO IN PARIS" starring my main rlon Brando and the young Maria Schneider, who was then a mere nineteen years. Paul, a fifth U.S. beef "between two ages but still attractive, visits a winter morning, a large empty apartment in the French capital there made the acquaintance of a young woman. Their eyes meet, they decide to have sex without knowing one another, not even the owers names. Despite a unanimous international criticism, acknowledging the cinematic qualities of this film, the censorship Italy immediately and decides to ban mainly because of the famous scene between Marlon sodomy Brando and Maria Schneider. This performance is traumatising it, telling reporters: "I was young, innocent, I do not understand what I was doing. Today, I refuse." All the fuss around me freaked me she said ten years later. e Learning the death of Maria Schneider, follows e generalized to cancer on February 3 in Paris - Bernardo Bertolucci said he wanted to ask forgiveness! "Maria accused me of him stealing his youth and today only, I wonder if it was not partly true. In reality, she was too young to able to support the impact the "unpredictable and brutal film's success," he acknowledged. "

1973, output
movie" NIGHT PORTER "of Lialiana Cavani, with Charlotte Rampling and Dirk Bogarde in the lead roles. We somm 're in Vienna in 1957, a former SS officer Max, night porter in a big hotel downtown, one day finds himself face to Lucia, the wife of a conductor. During the war, Max kept in a concentration camp a sadomasochistic love with Lucia, one of the prisoners then just sixteen years old. Irresistibly attracted to one another, all two will eventually resume their affair. This film about the lonely people, projected the Italian director overnight in the spotlight of notoriety. Film e xigeant and reserved for an informed public, "Night Porter" tells the disturbing fascination as "Stockholm Syndrome" from an ancient Jewish deported for his Nazi executioner. This work hard and raise up radical attraction and repulsion from the public.

1975, output f
ilm "SALO OR THE 120 DAYS OF SODOM" the famous Italian director Pier Paolo Pasolini. Dura nt Fascist Republic of Salo, four lords develop a perverse regulations which they will comply. They select eight representatives of both sexes who become victims of their most degrading practices. All locked up in a villa to spend 120 days in complying with the rules of their code terrifying. Pasolini adapts a novel by the Marquis de Sade, in the atmosphere of déliquessence of the "Republic of Salo" on late Mussolini in 1944. This film by Pasolini certainly be s trying, at the time was misunderstood by the authorities of censorship and deemed pornographic. The man reveals the darker side of his baser instincts, revealing Pasolini enjoyment in horror. "Salo or the 120 Days of Sodom," debauchery and mixes Nazism and causes quite a stir. As at the end of the director, it is nonetheless sulfur. Three months before the premiere in Paris, Pier Paolo Pasolini died, his body was found beaten on a beach on the outskirts of Rome, murdered in circumstances that remain unsolved today and always waving Italy. Finally

ES SENSE" by Nagisa Oshima. Japan In the early twentieth century, a waitress and his master lived a voracious sexual passion. Oshi my depicts a love story mad lived and which had passed in the 30s in Japan. A woman strangled her lover at the mom ent orgasm then emasculated. When the police come to arrest him, she arbor e his bloody trophy, smiling radiantly. "The Realm of the Senses" is about the destructive power of sexuality and murderous and Oshima uses symbols to tell this terrible subject. Censorship was the effect of filling the rooms where the film was projected, better than if she had abstained. Even today, "The Realm of the Senses" is banned in Japan.

It is obvious that through these few examples scandals film highlight the conflict between public order and depth of our instincts kind of chaos of the unconscious. This dichotomy between what a company would be and what's shocking is revealed fully in the art of film, because of the strength and impact of the image on our subconscious. Finally we release two kinds of emotion, facing the seventh art, "positive" when it blossomed, happy and joyful and "negative" when we are uncomfortable, annoys us while we thought provoking ... Certainly, the film did not stop surprising us!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Private Wedding Immediate Family

Secretaries of Medical and Social CASVP, the CITY and DASES

Appeal to strike Monday, March 7, 2011.
Gathering at 11 am sharp at the Town Hall.

The Inter CGT, CFDT, FOR, UNSA was received March 2, 2011 by the HRD of the City of Paris in the strike notice.

In summary:
The increase in our premiums is not the agenda for the City of Paris now gives priority to the most "low wages": between 8 and 16 euros per month for Category C agents and only 1 SMS 5th level of the normal class.

Our work is of unquestionable value. Our premiums must be level
than other governing bodies of Class B.

HRD said to be "unable" to give us a comparison with the premiums of SA (average amounts). She said that the award of compensation for communal SMS is not considered.

Democracy and social dialogue pass through transparency!
  • HRD recognizes that our demands have been raised since "some time" and it was a difference between upgrading bonuses for SA at the expense of SMS.
  • HRD must communicate about it.
  • Redefining our status with a rewarding benefits system;
  • Removal of quotas that block advancement of careers, a ratio Promoted for promotion of 100%;
  • Advancing level to minimum delays;
  • An appreciation of the benefits system to match that of the body of the SA;
  • access to compensation as our municipal colleagues administrative assistants and secretaries;
  • A recruitment
  • therefore must correspond to the actual number of posts required for the functioning of the secretariats of social services.

Gathering Place de l'Hotel de Ville at 11:00 precise

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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CASVP ● Social Workers, Department, City of Paris

AG Monday, March 14, 2011 at the invitation of the Inter 12:00 to 14:00.
Labour Bureau M ° République - Main Hall Croizat.

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● Online petition for recognition of degrees in social work at +3

unions CGT, CFDT, FOR, UNSA, FA-FPT, CFTC join forces. It is important to sign and to sign the petition.

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● March 16 2011: In recognition of the qualifications of educational personnel and social

Demand a pay rise in Class A ...

As part of the reform group B, unions call (CGT, CFDT, FOR, UNSA, CFTC ...) for personal and social education, the move to category A.

In the framework imposed on New Statutory Area (NES) Category B, the Department's proposals are unacceptable and employers and binding on the three sides of the Civil Service. They remain well below the requalification requirements and integration into Class A claimed by all the personal and social education.

The government imposes:
  • an employment framework on three levels with two levels of recruitment (Bac and bac +2),
  • a longer career (22 years to 33 years),
  • space indicial masking a drop in salary and wages throughout
    career (up 210 euros per month),
  • and a cumulative loss on the careers of up to 35 000 Euros!
  • a career blocked by ratios and quotas related to merit.
March 16, to win and impose our demands, let us unite in each county and in Paris before the High Council Public Service Region (Place Beauvau 75008 Paris) 10:00.

CSFPT The next review March 16, the decrees concerning the social sector. Trade unions call for all personal and social education for the Civil Service Region, State Hospital and a mobilization to demand the scrapping of these projects, and upgrading to Category A of educators, social workers, counselors Economy Social and Family, early childhood educators and the longer for framing.

The unions demand a grid corresponding to their qualifications and their level of responsibility. Only the frame and the grade scale (349 to 783 NMI, 379 to 966 gross indices) respond to this demand.

social and educational professionals are indispensable actors for social cohesion and absorb the daily difficulties of the public the most excluded. Persist and continue not to respond to legitimate claims would be a mark of contempt for the whole these agents.

We are a vital element of social cohesion, but not at any price.

Strike notice filed at the Center for Social Action of the City of Paris, the Paris department and the City.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Schematics To The Shark Steam Mop

● Wizards of socio-educational CASVP, the City of DASES - 03/01/2011 Mobilization Successful!

300 demonstrators on the steps of City Hall, the pressure mounts and they will not listen!

A delegation of the Inter (CGT CFDT FOR UNSA) was received in the strike notice assistants socio-educational for the coefficient of 5 IFRSTS February 28, 2011 by the HRD, the Directors of DASES CASVP and then on 1 March by the Deputy Secretary General of the Municipality Paris, Ms. Brem.

The mere announcement: an annual increase of 0.1 in 2010 and 2011 of the multiplier of the IFRSTS, with apologies for having forgotten the medico-social sector in 2010 ...

8 € more per month over 2 years is unacceptable

Social workers
CASVP of DASES, the City does not ask for alms!
They demand proper recognition by their employer about their skills and work done every day.

€ 8 more per month over 2 years is a real provocation

In January 2008, the administration had closed the door on any discussion of after ... 4-day strike, a protest movement in all services, delegations in the boroughs and a demonstration, a partial satisfaction had been obtained.

Paris offers the longest career (maximum progression), promotion rates ridiculous (82% of agents that will be promoted on the floor in 2011), a shockingly low benefits system ... and they offer 8 € by month!

Again, the City of Paris seems to understand that the balance of power.

The 300 social workers gathered on the steps of City Hall have decided:
  • A new day strike March 22, 2001
  • A new rally at City Hall
  • A request for hearing with the municipal executive

Monday, March 14 from 12 to 14H
Labour Bureau (M ° République)
Great Hall Croizat
Administration is informed of this meeting on your work hours

Monday, February 28, 2011

Chunky Phlegm Hard To Breathe

- Your lady is not here yet?

Jean-Claude Duss there, my sister met him in 2011.

The Stand - Up Bathtub



Dedicated by critics and applauded by the spectators at the international level, the Steven Spielberg film "Saving Private Ryan" is a masterpiece
which profoundly affected the minds of world.

"Saving Private Ryan" is a story of heroism and sacrifice, which takes place on landing in France on 6 June 44, where eight soldiers risked their lives to save a man. So why eight LDATA they risked their lives for one man? Overtaken by the brutality of war, each seeks his own era response, and for the this defeat an uncertain future with honor, decency and courage ...

is the birth growth of the second son of screenwriter Robert Rodat, who nspire indirectly in the script of the film "Saving Private Ryan . This rac onte: "Living in a village e New Hampshire, early in the morning, I used to take my son regularly in walk. On the village square is a monument to the dead time of the American Revolution, on which are inscribed the names of village men died for their country. And I noticed that the names returned several times - the brothers died in the same conflict. Losing a son to war is an experience doulo ureuse, losing more inconceivable. "Robert Rodat san s knowledge, was the brainchild film that would celebrate the 50th anniversary of the landed quement e n Normandie.

De son côté, l'acteur américain Tom Hanks recherchait depuis longtemps dans des livres et autres écrits, une histoire racontant la guerre à travers une expérience humaine et non pas sous un aspect purement tactique et logistique.
Après lectu
re du script de Robert Rodat, Tom Hanks ne put s'empêcher de repenser au cas le plus connu des Etats-Unis : celui des frères Sullivan. L'histoire véridique de cinq frères embarqués sur un navire, (les frères en général pendant un conflit, aimaient bien combattre ensemble, pour des raisons évidentes). Mais malheureusement, the ship sank and all were dead. Ap ery that, the Navy embarks on a more brothers vessel, avoiding the army to include them in the same division, thinking of the anxiety of mothers, who prayed day and night so that their son come home safely.

Recreating the magnitude of the landing at Omaha Beach was certainly the greatest challenge important for Spielberg and his team. The beach where the landing took place, had become since the end of the war: a tourist site protected and highly venerated by pilgrims from around the world gathered there st It was unthinkable to turn any scene from the film, also on land full of history. The head decorate ur Tom Sanders after weeks of research finally takes his tracking team on various beaches in France, England and Ireland. In this last country they found a stretch of coast, strangely similar to the landing. Sanders and his team then transform the Irish beach in German fortress. I ls ADJUST coast harrows metal and blockhouses, where the Germans in the watered implacable enemy machine guns, while the main arena ties of war.
As for the Irish arm ed, it supplies 750 extras, many of them were veterans of the 7th art, since they had already participated in the filming of "Braveheart" Mel Gibson.

But mainly
the difficulty was to transform the company of actors playing key roles in history, a credible military unit. Dale Dye, year cian Corps captain Marines, including Atta chement to the military case had remained intact despite his retirement, was called by Spielberg.
Dye and his team of Warriors Inc. company. were then subjected to two
s tars Film: Tom Hanks and Tom Sizemore, and Matt Damon, Jeremy Davies, Barry Pepper, Giovanni Ribisi and Adam Goldberg, nothing less than a true commando training.

From the outset, Dale D ye have had to stop the "plunges r in the bath" to n 'matter what time of day and night, forcing them to get used as quickly as possible to the temperature very low water. He called the names of their characters, teaching them the basics of soldiering "learn to suffer in silence and close his mouth!". The actors followed for more than ten days of intensive training which included weapons training, close combat, individual laborers, stratum egy, military jargon of the time and sign language.

"I think there has some courage and a spirit common to all men who fight. The actors need to be immersed in the lifestyle of rigorous and horrors that soldiers and infantry fighting across the world face. I have immersed in this lifestyle. I made them eat rations, I pulled over to their white, I beat them, made them crawl and sleep in the mud. And when they come out at the end, they would have some idea of what it is: The EPR euves, the sacrifices made by men to serve their country in the army ". Dale Dye.

"It's something that I probably never would do, but I will always be grateful to have done. " Vin Diesel .

" When we started shooting, we felt connected. We crossed something together very strong. " Tom Sizemore.

When the die m Arraga film from the early scenes, when Spielberg said: " Action!", the actors could not help but be transported from the film set in the heart of évèneme nt which took place fifty years ago.
"The mounted
e adrenaline had nothing comparable to what I have lived in other films because, as soon as we turned, it was total chaos around us" . tells Tom Hanks. "People were falling down, there were expl dare all around us, and it was not difficult to imagine that the carnage was real and was caused by bullets, shots mortars and shells. In some scenes, we read the ter REUR on our faces, and rightly so, because we really fear ... and yet we knew that everything was false. "

After Ireland, all eq UPEI moved to England for the rest of the shoot. A factory aba ndonnée of the British Aerospace located 45 minutes from London, served as a base camp at the English production. The various buildings on the site were used as offices or as workshops and t errains waves offered a perfect setting where Tom Sanders and his team could build a reproductive nature of a French village devastated by bombs.

Finally to close this ticket, I chose give the last word to Colonel Barney Oldfield, a veteran of the last war, which at the time of the shooting said: "Anyone who complains about going to work at eight o'clock in the morning somewhere in the West should come watch Normandy this piece of Omaha Beach and think about what has been asked to do this generation, June 6, 1944. To think ...

Watch this film. You'll never forget!

Already published in the series "The famous film": "Once Upon a Time in America" - "The Longest Day" and "Gone With the Wind."

Sunday, February 27, 2011

A Lot Blood In My Phlegm

Ave Cesar

Small thumbnail sketch during Friday's ceremony.

Short Brown Hair Purple Highlights


Hillary Jordan - Belfond editions - 2010 - 391 pages.

A forbidden love, a terrible betrayal of Mississippi in the 1940s. A novel of astonishing power which plunges us into the brutality and contradictions of the Old South.
When she discovered that her husband's firm recently acquired Henry, Laura Mc Allan understands that there will never be happy. Yet, wife and devoted mother, she strives to raise their
two girls under the watchful eye of her hateful stepfather, a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
While Mc Allan struggling to take advantage of a very fertile land, two soldiers returning from the Front: Jamie, the younger brother of Henry, as seductive and sensitive as his eldest is taciturn and withdrawn. Suddenly, Laura feels reborn ...
Ronsele Jackson, the son of sharecroppers, a descendant of slaves who for four years, has reason to believe he was a man. But the South will undertake to remind him he is a negro ...

1945, after six years Bachelor of war, Europe was devastated by bombs and chaos, sees its liberating start to the new world. Among them, two young Americans: one is white, his name is Jamie Mc Allan, the other is black, he called Ronsele Jackson. Both know they live near Marietta, a small rural town located in the state of Mississippi.

For each of them, the homecoming will be difficult, the history of their country, are never far away! And even if Civil War sounded the death knell of the plantation economy that was once the strength of the South, thinking about them, change little: the discrimination against blacks and they still persist to suffer from the segregation that is still too hard, especially in southern states comme le Mississippi.

Dans son roman, Hillary Jordan montre très bien, que si la victoire du Nord mit fin à la guerre de Sécession en 1865, et qu'elle amena l'abolition de l'esclavage, les Noirs près d'un siècle plus tard, continuaient toujours à souffrir du racisme. N'ayant toujours pas le droit d'entrer ni dans les cafés, ni dans les restaurants et les cinémas, fréquentés par leurs concitoyens blancs.

Chronique rurale quasi-naturaliste sur le Vieux Sud des années 40, où chaque personnage prend la parole à tour de rôle - "MISSISSIPPI" évoque avec une certaine gravité vous l'aurez compris, le thème du Racism: A crucial chapter in the history of the United States. Hillary Jordan plunges his reader into a world steeped in primary instincts and certainties, embodying the racist and murderous demons of some white America and Puritan. In this deeply moving romantic drama, the young American novelist, stands out as a pointillist emotion, skillfully evoking this world, while sparing us the good feeling of pathos and misbehavior. This, the strength of this first novel! So hurry knowledge of Laura, Henry, Florence, Harp, Jamie, and all other Ronsele
, you will not regret it!
8 / 10 .

Friday, February 25, 2011

Does Smokeless Tobacco Suppress A Cough

● Wizards of socio-educational CASVP, the DASES and the CITY ... In Strike March 1, 2011

assistants socio-educational réunis en assemblée générale le 27 janvier 2011 à l'appel de l'intersyndicale CGT - CFDT - UNSA ont décidé de reprendre le mouvement sur le régime indemnitaire (IFRSTS) !  FO et la CFTC s'associent au préavis de grève.

Dans le cadre du préavis une délégation de l'intersyndicale sera reçue lundi 28 février 2011 à 16h00 à l'Hôtel de Ville.
La CGT-CASVP sera représentée par Christine FINIDORI et Dalila MAAZAOUI.

L’IFRSTS peut aller :
  • jusqu’à 395€/ mois pour les ASE en classe normale                              
  • jusqu’à 437€/mois pour les ASE principaux
En 2007, Le Maire de Paris, après 4 jours de grève avait accepté de revaloriser cette prime. Nous avions alors suspendu le mouvement. Pour autant, le compte n’y is not, everyone has seen on its payroll in December 2010!

One way to avoid arbitrariness and improved purchasing power of other communities already have made this choice for their workers:

the maximum coefficient for everyone = 5
(currently 3.5 normal class and 4 for the main ).

This represents an increase mensuelle de : 
  • 118€ en classe normale 
  •   87€ pour les principaux
Encore un effort monsieur le Maire, la Seine Saint Denis l’a fait, pourquoi par vous ? 


Thursday, February 24, 2011

Poem For Camels In Words

The unbearable lightness of letting go

psychological records and personal development, No. 4. © ESI

Basic Elocution Exercises

● SMS CASVP the CITY and DASES - Strike on 03/07/2011

MEGA For reasons beyond our control (the Police Department does not allow for safety reasons, the gathering place of City Hall on 3 / 03/2011), the notice of strike is postponed to 07/03/2011 and the rally will take place at 11:00.

Appeal to strike Monday, March 7, 2011
FOR, UNSA, CFDT, CFTC combine the notice filed by the CGT-CASVP.

is now decided that the City, the future status of SMS (Medical Secretaries and social), after it is too late, the next reform of the Class B will not ever be the day!

CGT demand that negotiations take into account the relevance or not to keep this body in the reference status for Public Hospital , even though the tasks of SMS for the vast majority are far from the medical profession.

CGT request that all tracks are explored and in particular the alignment of the status of SMS on the Civil Service of the State like the Administrative Secretary in a body like that would while maintaining a specific status but expanded to match the same benefits system as administrative secretaries.

SMS denounce shift increasingly important among the new requirements in the exercise of their profession and the answer given by the Mayor of Paris and direction that CASVP does not recognize them at their level, ie as a body of category B including a benefits system correlated .

The professional content of medical secretaries and social goes well beyond what is allowed under the current status and they are increasingly called upon to expand their knowledge, develop their skills and acquire new ones.

Medical and Social Secretaries are involved, they allow more than ever the relationship between social workers, partners and users.

enforce our legitimate claim!

  • Redefining our status;
  • Removal of quotas that block progress careers, CGT Promoted promotable claims a ratio of 100%;
  • Advancement of the minimum level possible;
  • An appreciation of the benefits system to match that of the body of the SA;
  • access to compensation as our municipal colleagues administrative assistants and secretaries;
  • A candidate who therefore should actually correspond the number of posts required for the functioning of the secretariats of social services.

Gathering Place City Hall from 11:00

Bbq Island Plans Free

● The protocol DIF (Individual Training) at the Centre for Social Action of the City of Paris

DIF CASVP The protocol has been revised. This new version replaces the version in force since 01.07.2009.

The new rules focus on the preparations for competition (Article 7.4), discharge service for preparations for internal competitions by correspondence (Article 7.5), courses for upgrading and development (Article 7.6).

Since 2010, the DIF balance meter appears on each agent payslip in February.

I) Reminder of statutory provisions

The Act of February 2, 2007 to modernize the Civil Service established that "every agent receives each year and according to his working time of an individual right to training (DIF).

The statutory provisions relating to personnel administration in Paris, under Decree No. 94-415 of 24 May 1994 amended return for vocational training to two orders applicable to the Public of the State (Decree No. 85-607 of June 14, 1985 for officials, Decree No. 75-205 of 26 March 1975 for non-members).

These two decrees were repealed in late 2007 and replaced by new rules which determine in particular the terms of the DIF for these personnel.

The CASVP decided to enforce the regulations now in force in the State (Decree No. 2007-1470 of 15 October 2007 pour les fonctionnaires et décret n° 2007-1942 du 26 décembre 2007 pour les non-titulaires).

De même pour les agents relevant de la fonction publique hospitalière, le CASVP appliquera le décret n° 2008-824 du 21 août 2008 relatif à la formation professionnelle tout au long de la vie des agents de la fonction publique hospitalière.

Pour ce faire, un protocole d’accord sur la mise en œuvre du DIF avait été conclu au CASVP dès le 1er juillet 2009. Protocole qui doit faire aujourd’hui l’objet d’une révision afin d’homogénéiser practices between the agents of the City of Paris and those of CASVP following the framework agreement on continuing vocational training and skills development signed by the City of Paris May 12, 2010.

II) The objectives of the reform of vocational training and DIF

The objectives of this reform are numerous. It aims to facilitate both the understanding of new skills and needs of users. It should also encourage mobility agents, to advance their skill level and thus the quality of their service, and maintain their ability to perform their jobs face longer careers.

The creation of the individual right to training laid the first foundations of training throughout life. The objective is to reduce inequalities in access to training and open the possibility of building individual career paths to all officers who become involved in their formation. This right is exercised at the initiative of the individual and with the agreement hierarchy.


Article 1: Beneficiaries
  • CASVP Any officer of the benefits of an Individual Right to Training for a period of twenty hours per year of full time service
  • contract employees when they are operating in CASVP on the duration of the training and the latter is their primary employer
  • Individual contractors who worked 12 months during the past 18 months, this condition appreciating at 31 December of the year, when they are operating at a minimum CASVP on the duration of the training and the latter is their principal employer.
Article 2: Determination of human

The DIF is annual, counted calendar year and capitalized.

Every agent receives each year of service 20 hours of DIF. It is calculated proportionally to the time worked. The meter started with SRI since 1 July 2007, while this agent has full-time since 1 July 2007 then received 30 hours on the meter at 1 January 2009.
  • The law may be granted annually to a cumulative period of 120 hours. If the accumulation of unused rights continues, the time available DIF remains capped at 120 hours. For agents who have reached the limit, special attention will be paid on their requests for training
  • administration officials must periodically report the level of rights they acquired under the DIF.
  • officials have acquired a fixed term under the DIF may with the consent of the administration (as a convention with the obligation to serve or return back) use advance a further period not exceeding time acquired (principle of anticipation) and within the limit of a total of 120 hours.
The DIF " transferable "DIF previously acquired is invoked with the new administration or community stations. Conversely, agents or received back from posting may argue with the CASVP their acquired rights in other jurisdictions or communities.

At his departure from CASVP, the agent, if he goes into another jurisdiction, must be issued a certificate stating its balance of entitlement under the DIF.

If the officer leaves the CASVP and is unemployed or hired a private firm with which he can assert his rights in the SRI, it must be notified well in advance in order to use its rights acquired before the end of its function.

Article 3: Working Time

3.1) hours of training conducted under the DIF will take place primarily during the time Working with retention of earnings.

hours of training conducted under SRI during working time are treated as actual working time. A training day for the DIF like any other day of training will be equivalent to 7:48 in the application Chronogestor.

Under counter DIF, it will count to 7 hours of training time for a full day and 3:30 for a half day.

3.2) actions outside working hours may be retained within the DIF when the articulation of the curriculum or the organization of work dictate. These conditions should be justified by the director of the PUD and approved by the training office. In this case the hours of training conducted outside working hours result in the payment by the CASVP a training allowance equivalent to 50% of the hourly salary of the agent within 50 hours of annual training related to the foreseeable development of business and 80 hours of training on the acquisition of new skills.

However, this provision will not apply for training or preparations followed by correspondence can not open up right to this benefit training.

development courses, regardless of their schedules, will be treated as working time and therefore may not give entitlement to the allowance training

Section 4: Training activities eligible for DIF

DIF enables a training link with the objectives of growth of the agent and its aspirations of professional development. It is used at the initiative of the agent in accordance with its administration.

To be eligible for DIF, a training must be included in the training plan and meet one of the following categories
  • the foreseeable development of business (raising skills technical officer to keep the level of demand required for the exercise of his trade or programs leading to changes induced by the introduction of a reform)
  • improvement or acquiring new skills (this may be either the normal framework of continuous training provided to agents to facilitate their adaptation to employment or a personal project of a professional nature such as the acquisition of bases useful to have a contest or prepare for a career change)
  • training exam preparation, administrative support ...
  • achieving skills assessments
  • Validation of Acquired Experience for the acquisition of a diploma, professional title or certificate of qualification entered in the national directory
Unlike any training deemed necessary by the Administration to holding the job of the agent can not meet the DIF.

Therefore, a single training activity may fall within the SRI for a given agent and not be for another.

Example: a request for training on desktop software Power Point:
  • not increase the DIF for an agent performing secretariat function and who are asked to produce documents in support Power Point (training deemed necessary by the administration)
  • may fall within the DIF for an agent who wishes to submit its report differently meetings (suitability for employment)
  • report to the DIF for an agent without the use of such software on his job (new skills)
  • considered useful but not vital to keeping the workplace
  • to increase their skills in anticipation of future mobility, but not yet determined,
  • Not being identified as priorities by the employer,
may be eligible under the DIF. It may then be proposed to the employee to use his DIF in this context. However, the officer remains the master of its decision and whether to use its FID.

A table in Annex 1 provides a breakdown of training, currently covered by a contract between those that might fall within the DIF and those that could not be.

Article 5: The maintenance training

The choice of the training followed in the SRI 's conduct including taking into account the wishes the employee during the annual training.

maintenance training is to determine the training needs of staff to the objectives set for them and their career plans. This annual service, led by the superior officer, may be associated with the maintenance assessment / rating of the agent.

During maintenance training will be reminded of the outcome of applications prior to staff training and then be debated training activities that appear necessary for the new period in view of its missions and its prospects. The interview will also allow the agent to submit applications for exam preparation, validation of experience, skills assessment ....

This interview training should be formalized in writing that the objectives of training offered by the agent and the hierarchy will be enrolled.

Article 6: Implementation of DIF

application of DIF is the initiative of the agent: The SRI is an expression of interest in learning from him. However, its implementation requires the agreement of the employer.

order for training to meet the DIF, it is necessary that it be placed on the training plan. During the needs assessment of the training plan, it is imperative to collect, during maintenance training, all the wishes of officer training and to indicate at this stage if his training is likely to fall or not DIF.

The agent is informed by his immediate superiors or the corresponding formation of the PUD as a result of requests for training for the DIF within a maximum period of three months from the date of Closing compendium of training needs.

Failure to respond within that period constitutes acceptance of the choice of the training given by the employee. The rejection of an application for training under the DIF will be a detailed opinion and motivated by the administration.

The rejection of a second request, if it occurs at least 12 months after the initial application of the same nature can be ordered after review of the relevant joint authority.

If the wish of the officer training is held during the validation of the training plan, the formalization of demand for training under the DIF of the agent can then be made throughout of the year. It must be in writing by sending the attached form 2, the Intranet duly completed and signed by the supervisor, the training office. When the computer application permits, the application may also be formulated in "line" with the agent's workstation via a terminal or computer service.

Rule 7: Rule Management DIF counter

7.1 - The officers who have acquired hours of training under the DIF can with the agreement of the administration, by using anticipating a period not greater than the time already granted. The total time used by this provision remains capped at 120 hours

7.2 - If an agent can get the training he desired in his DIF, the general rule he will be obliged to renew and formalize a new application the following year.

In rare cases and exceptions, if another session for the same type of training, under a contract, is represented in the year and that a place is vacant on CASVP will attempt to reinstate the person at the session, but this remains the exception.

If the agent can not get to the training he desired in his DIF due to sickness, personal reasons justified (transport strike ... ), or because of need of service must be justified and motivated by the department head, the counter DIF agent will not be counted.

Any other reason for absence will count meter DIF

7.3 - Review of APEL and competency

The decree of 15 October 2007 and its implementing circular state that for the realization of a skills assessment and the validation of knowledge and experience, the DIF can be mobilized in addition to a "lack of time allowed" by the administration of 24 hours . If these time courses are less than these times, these times will not DIF counted counter agent.

7.4 - Preparations contest

When they take place indoors and during their time of service, officers may be unloaded in a part of their obligations to participate. This discharge is authorized by law when the term sought by an agent is less than or equal to five days full time service in a given year. Meeting this demand can be deferred but interest in the operation of the service, such deferral can not however be opposed to an application for the third time.

addition DIF agent can be mobilized beyond this discharge five days and the maximum of 20 hours and whatever time of the preparation.

7.5 - Landfills service preparations for internal competition correspondence

A discharge time may be granted after review of the department head, personnel preparing an internal competition by mail. The officers admitted to this preparation may benefit during the period of preparation, 15 days of service facilities, on a one half day per week or one day every 15 days.

These service facilities may be granted only once to change the grade and not more than 3 times during the career (eg to prepare the contest administrative assistant, then administrative secretary and then attached).

must be 4 years of seniority in the public service (requirement to pass the competitions).

For staff preparing the same competition two years, these service facilities may be granted for only one preparation.

These 15 days can be combined together or with annual leave or exceptional.

The beneficiaries of such service facilities which, for unjustified reasons are not diligent in the duties and who would give up during the year, will be delisted this year of such training and service facilities they would be counted.

Like contest preparations, facilities services will be credited to the meter DIF agent. To be considered in the form of service facilities must be accompanied by the application of training under the DIF, duly completed and signed.

7.6 The course upgrading and development

The community also offers Parisian upstream to processed competitions, courses for upgrading or development that enable agents to gradually reach the level required for access to these preparations for competition. These courses and refresher courses require the mobilization of hours DIF.

In a logic of shared effort between the administration and staff, the method of deduction of human development courses is also flat-rate. The agent will therefore be charged to his account DIF 1 / 3 of the total duration of the course, remaining 2 / 3 being supported by the administration. Or 6 hours on the meter DIF agent 14 hours and supported by the Administration to track a refresher course.

However, subject to approval by the supervisor, the number of monitoring modules can be greater than 3 the same year.

These proposals envisaged for preparations to contest and development courses / refresher go well beyond regulatory requirements, but reflect the will of the Parisian authorities to continue to promote social advancement. It is proposed to implement these measures for all preparations to contest and courses which have started after 1 September 2010.

Article 8: Information Officer

8.1 On human DIF

beginning of each year n, the employer shall communicate in writing to each employee the balance of the number of hours under the DIF or the total interest capitalized unless the number of hours used under n-1.

8.2 On the use of DIF and training provision.

A caller "DIF" could be the corresponding training should be identified in each PUD, it will be responsible for:
  • answer questions from employees
  • assist them in formulating their career plans
  • help them find the training provider required
  • steer them in the choice of training
Article 9: General Provisions

This revision of the MOU is concluded for an indefinite period. It will subject to change based on revisions that may be made to the agreement on continuing vocational training and skills development signed by the City of Paris, in order to standardize practices among the officers of the City and those of CASVP.
CTP 7/12/2010


Training Request under the Individual Right to Training

paper return by mail to the Office of Training

Name, First Name:





Name of Supervisor:


Course Title:

date and duration of training:

Organization Name:

Place Training:

Cost of Training:

This training relates to (tick one box):

 The likely trend Trades
Improvement or acquisition of new professional qualifications
 The contest preparation, exams ...
 Achieving a balance of skills
 A Validation of Acquired Experience
 Other
Indicate the professional project targeted:


This desire for training was it identified in terms of training:  yes 

Notice of supervisor:
  Favourable Unfavourable

Motivation unfavorable opinion:

Application Date:

Signature of applicant

Signature of supervisor


Date de réception de la demande par le bureau de la formation*:

N° de la demande :

* date à partir de laquelle démarre le délais de réponse pour l’administration à la condition que la demande soit complète. Toute demande incomplète sera renvoyée à l’agent


Distribution chart formations according to their character "DIFable"

training can not meet the DIF for all staff using a computer on his post Working
  • Word initiation
  • Excel initiation
  • Windows environment
  • Outlook
  • Firmware used CASVP (Piaf, Rh21, Actarus, Antigone, Prorisq ...)
Les personnels dont la fiche de poste suppose l'utilisation de ces progiciels
  • Business Object
  • Agents dont la fiche de poste suppose l'utilisation approfondie de RH21/Antigone
  • Relais technique pour l'agent qui assumera cette fonction
Informatique (autres)
Formations pouvant relever du DIF si ces formations présentent :
soit un approfondissement technique des compétences, soit une amélioration ou acquisition de nouvelles qualifications
  • Internet
  • Power Point
  • Word development
  • Excel Development
training can not meet the DIF for
Technical evacuation and emergency control
All staff
  • information and handling of fire extinguishers on site tank fires
  • Manipulations extinguishers in mobile unit 36
  • Unit 72 (fire truck on site)
  • Organization of security services on site
Training correspondents health and safety officer to perform this function
Nominees to work on electrical installations
  • Electrical accreditation
  • Electric enabling recycling
  • Other clearances
The nursing assistants and social workers assigned to PA
  • Manutention manuelle des personnes à mobilité réduite
Hygiène et sécurité (autres) et manutention
Formations pouvant relever du DIF
Formations considérées comme non obligatoires et présentant :
soit un approfondissement technique des compétences
soit une amélioration ou acquisition de nouvelles qualifications
  • PSC - 1
  • Recyclage PSC-1
training can not meet the DIF for
Any person performing functions in their host workstation
  • Home the public and management of difficult situations
  • All staff performing duties in their home workstation
  • Home Public difficult
  • Home phone
  • Maintenance in the intake process
Anyone with a contact direct daily with users
  • management of aggressive behavior and pathological
training can not meet the DIF for
Supervised hierarchical superior
Any part A or personnel performing management duties newly assigned
  • Framing proximity
  • Harassment and Discrimination
  • Disability and incapacity
  • Conduct meeting
  • Evaluation and Rating
  • Project management
  • Care Recruitment
  • Negotiation and social dialogue with the OS
training relating to:
Training of the DIF automatically covered
  • Contest Preparation
  • Education through the device of career
  • Accreditation of prior experience
  • Skills assessment
  • Advanced Course (French, maths, law, computer, language ...)
training relating to:

The choice of defining these formations as "Difables" or not is specific to the rank and function of the agent to whom they are intended. Sheets of initial training courses currently being developed by grade and position define the nature difable for this type of training
  • Knowledge of the elderly:
  • Knowledge of social arrangements or medico-social
  • administrative regulations, social, technical or budgetary
  • intercultural approach
  • Stress Management ...