Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Michelle Keegan Frily Underwear

Salasaca: The culture and traditions

The People Salasaca speaks Kichwa, the language of their ancestors, the Incas, but the Castilian is the official language of Ecuador. The people live according to many traditions, including their clothes or food. Here, most families have their fields and are farmers. They make most their clothing themselves with weaving machine. Women wear a black skirt with a belt tied to mileage details, colors and shapes, and a white blouse and black, and a cloth on the shoulders called Bayete "color pink, green or purple ... The colors stand out from all ... As for the gentlemen, they are usually dressed with shirt and white pants, a black pancho over. Most people also come out with a hat that protects from sun and dust ... And very pleasant hello everyone here, the extra smile, a simple natural gesture, and always appreciated. (Pictures to come)

many cultural and folk festivals are held for various reasons throughout the year. Recently, the celebration was taking place "Tzawar Mishki. The latter is a sweet drink extracted from a plant reached its last cycle of life and to celebrate, the people gathered around Salasaca musical traditions and dance, that tell the story of the people Salasaca.

On December 21 we celebrated the beautiful KAPAK RAYMI celebrates native in honor of the solstice (the sun completes its course) and to thank the Mother Earth, Pachamama in Kichwa, moon, stars and the thrust of corn and quinoa. So it's a tribute to all natural phenomena and the stars. It must still admit that Santa Claus is becoming increasingly important here ... Moreover, the English colonists on their arrival, have associated the birth of Jesus but that of ...

Here are some photos of the celebration of this festival associated with the festival Christmas at school:

Banda Gala Katitawa

"Jingle Bells"
Games "La piƱata", children must, blindfolded, to achieve the character. If it opens, the candy is collected by all ...

Pachakutik: Circle of Life

The arrival of the Inca princess

Ceremony of thanks to the Pachamama

Danza Pachamama

Danza Inca
Danza Salasaka

Poetry Reading "Ode to the Pachamama"

Song "Ama Katitawa Pachamama"

The arrival of Papa Noel

Thanks to the donation of 2 children Swiss who offered their Christmas money to the foundation Sky, children have all received a gift. Elio and thank you Liv!

There are also 3 other similar celebrations ...
... COMING SOON ... ARAAAH HAYAYA Pachamama (mother to live the character Kechwa)


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